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  1. D

    New Fish Dying

    This is what i dont understand... i started my tank up etc and put some hardy fish in so that they could mature the tank.....but why did they die and if i get more will they die to?
  2. D

    New Fish Dying

    i did use dechlorinater.....what shall i put in the tank to start with before adding fish?
  3. D

    New Fish Dying

    I let my tank stand for 2 weeks...i have no real plants in there...i cant remember what i put in the tank as it ran out and i threw it away but it breaks down ammonia... i took somw water to a expert fish shop to get the water tested... what should i do????
  4. D

    New Fish Dying

    I started up my new tank, made sure the heating is ok then had my water tested, it was fine so i got 3 black tetra...within minuets they are all sitting at the bottom...they get up but then sink again....i have no idea whats happening please help me....