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  1. F

    Hole-In-Head Parasite

    Well here's the next chapter in my HIH horror story!! My pride and joy a beautiful full bodied "Cichlasoma salvini"* S. American chiclid has "IT", not serious but obviously there. I cross contaminated these two tanks when I used the same algae scourer on them. Also, someone mentioned stress as...
  2. F

    Hole-In-Head Parasite

    Thanks to everyone who replied to my Hole-In-The-Head question. I have done a major water change. I will cease to use the bottled spring water..but my municipal water is loaded with chemicals, which I can treat with various commercial potions! This is the greatest list! Thanks again. Festivae
  3. F

    Hole-In-Head Parasite

    This is my first question as a newbie! I have just returned my large Oscar to his 45 gal tank after a bout with hole-in-the-head. I used something called General Treatment and it worked well. He's healed and no new wounds. Is this diease ultimately fatal anyway? Festivae :(