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    Wattage For A Planted Aquarium

    I have the same problem. Got a 25 gallon tank 30" long 12" wide and 20" high, say 23 gallon with substrate etc Using 2 T8s 16 Watts = 32 watts = say 1.4w per gallon Just bought a new filter interpet Ex 700 which is rated 100/250l. Got this lot from Greenline. Contains 10 X MICRO SAGITTARIA 3...
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    Help - Tetratec Ex700 Filter

    Thanks for that. I orderd a EX 700 from Zooplus today and other than the primeing problem and knobs breaking its a great filter going by the reviews. :shout: Going by the reviews if anything goes wrong tetra will replace it, good service. :good:
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    Tetratec Ex700

    I am a newbie and orderd a ex 700 . :hyper: Was looking for a cheaper filter than eheim, saw tetratec in one of the forums in here. :good: :hyper: Think some parts like the taps...
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    Last week i bought 5 Elodea Densa from Greenline. From what i read in America and Brazil the plant is a pest and you should not put it down the toilet as it breeds like crazy and blocks up the Water ways. :hyper: Read not to use flourish on it as it melts and dies, is this true. :drool: Not...
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    Best Starter Plants?

    Your tank looks clean and should not take much to get into order. I am a newbie from Scotland and got a beginers selection from greenline for my 30" tank that i am very pleased with as they are all beginers plants and easy to keep. 10 X MICRO SAGITTARIA 3 X DWARF SWORDS 2 X SAGITTARIA NATANS...
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    20 Gallon Tank

    Hi imperfect faerie, dont know much about fish but thats a nice weazil you got :hyper:
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    :good: so its 50/50 think i will use the sand on top as i have seen tanks with layers and they look cool. Think i will look more at planted tank forum and see what they say about it as they allready have forums about it. If you say it doesnt matter if it mixes then o.k Just thinking of the cost...
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    Still to set up my tank. Have 2 bags of Eco Complete for my 30"*12"*18" tank. I also have a bucket of sand that i got from someone who was setting up a discus tank and had some left over. Question is do i put in just Eco Complete as a substrate on its own or do i put my sand on the top as a...
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    nobody greeted you yet. Pleased to meet u im an old newbie. Hope to learn as much as you have fun :lol:
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    Hi Guys!

    Hi i signed on today as well as a newbie and got a good welcome. i am new to fish keeping and am here to learn. I got 2 good welcomes in the 1st 5 minutes have fun
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    Hi All !

    :wub: Me again thumbless1 and thumbless same person could not get my e-mai as i used .com insted of idiot off to a goo start Sending posts to myself lol so how do i delete thumbless1 rofl