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    I am sure each of us have made the mistake at the beginning before , "buy the wrong fish for wrong tank at wrong time". The be honest, your LFS friend probably isn't lying but instead offering his/her own knowledge and experience. Sometimes, I find lots of contradictions online at different...
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    Do I Need A Ro Unit

    I was just about to ask the same question :rolleyes: Anyway to add to the OP if you don't mind. 2) I see RO units with 3,4 and 6 stages. . . Which should I pick? 3) I'm renting a place and don't want to break anything permanently and if I move out I will be taking the RO unit with me :P...
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    Cycling Without Putting In Amonia

    Sorry I should have been more clearer. Is there a reason why one would choose not to use neat ammonia (as in choose a fishless cycle)? I ask this because the OP says "i prefer not to use neat amonia unless i have to - any advice gratefully received.", I was just curious whether there is a...
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    Thinking Of Planted 33 Us Gallon, 29 Uk Gallon

    Hi, I really want to buy a Juwel Rio 125, 33 US Gallon, 29 UK Gallon. 32"L x 20"H x 14"W I am wondering if it were to be fully planted (similar to George Farmers - very nice tank btw. ^^) would the filter system be okay in handling 5 or 6 Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric yellow labido) or...
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    Cycling Without Putting In Amonia

    Sorry newbie question : is there a reason why you choose not to add ammonia to cycle?
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    Great Forum But I Have A Question

    This forum is great! Especially the guides written for newbs (like me). I have one question though: What does KH (Water hardness) do? I am thinking of setting up a fish tank and I live in london. I am not sure if the water I have is suitable because alot of limescale forms (kettle, sink...
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    New Tank For Cichlids

    Hello! I need a tank for maybe 4 to 6 Cichlids and I am restricting myself to around 3ft tank :X Possible Cichlids includes : Sunshine Peacock (Aulonocara baenschi) Demason's Cichlid (Pseudotropheus demasoni and maybe some shell dwellers Can someone tell me if complete setups like Juwel...
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    Which Brand Of Tank!

    Hello to you all! I am new to this forum! Can someone please tell me what's the difference between the brands (on website below)? I need to select a relatively large aquarium (3ft long). I have looked after fish before, both marine and tropical but that was in Asia, and everything was very...