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  1. M

    Synodontis Multipunctatus

    My father-in-law bought 2 of these from the same shop about 4 weeks ago. They have more than doubled in size in that time. They look like they are going to be massive fish.
  2. M

    Synodontis Multipunctatus

    One of the new ones (smaller of the two) died last night. I found him floating. No obvious things like injuries were visible. Water quality is ok All the other fish are fine, including the other 'syno multi' I bought. I saw no bullying from the other fish. I took him out and put him in the...
  3. M

    Synodontis Multipunctatus

    Here is a picture of one. Bear in mind it is very young and only about an inch or so in length.
  4. synomulti.jpg


  5. M

    Synodontis Multipunctatus

    The shop is supposed to be a reputable shop. Never heard anything bad about them. They were labelled up as being Syno. Multis, and my father-in-law who was with me seemed certain that they were. He's got 3 in his tank. I'll try and get a photo. They are always hiding at the moment.
  6. M

    Clown Catfish (i Think) Strange Covering

    Hi, New tank stats: Tank size:36 x 15 x 15 pH: 7.2 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 250 mg/l kH: 3 gH: > 16 tank temp:26C I'm using a new testing kit so that might explain the pH level being so different. The gH and the Nitrate are on the high side. Is there anything I can do to lower the...
  7. M

    Synodontis Multipunctatus

    I bought 2 of these today. They were around 1" in length. They cost £5.95 each. They've found nice new homes to hide in and they look quite happy.
  8. M

    Please Help Identify Malawi Cichlids

    OK. Today I sold the Blue Dolphin and the Livingstoni at the fish shop. With the credit note I bought 2 small Synodontis multipunctatus. Now that my sons smaller tank is less stocked I've removed 3 of the larger catfish out of my tank. I also bought some more ocean rock. I've removed the...
  9. M

    Please Help Identify Malawi Cichlids

    Thanks for the help. :good: Could the fact that some of the fish are very young and have not matured properly account for hybrid look? Perhaps I need to wait a few months to a year to get a better idea of what they are. The young fish were in a tank altogether, not labelled with names or...
  10. M

    Please Help Identify Malawi Cichlids

    Hello experts, I'm trying to work cure a tank problem (see post Here is a Linkto my pictures of the Cichlids that I've taken. Is there anyone who can help me identify the fish and help with advice regarding suitability in the tank. Thanks Ian
  11. M

    Clown Catfish (i Think) Strange Covering

    There is no open sore by the dorsal fin that I can see. He is hiding at the moment. When he pops out again I'll try and get a better photo.
  12. M

    Clown Catfish (i Think) Strange Covering

    Thanks for your response. I'll try and fill in some of the blanks you pointed out. The tank was purchased as a secondhand setup in January. I reused most of the original water and refilled to about half and the rest with new water. I put the fish in and they were all happy until the beginning...
  13. M

    Clown Catfish (i Think) Strange Covering

    Request Help Sorry dont have a full suite of testing kits. Tank size:36 x 15 x 15 pH:8.0 ammonia:0.6 nitrite: ? nitrate: < 0.1 mg/l kH: ? gH: Dont know but live in hard water area tank temp:26C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Only...
  14. clowncat.jpg

