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  1. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    Thanks Wilder He's obviously a little fighter under all that sickliness :) He ate yesterday (and pooped normally -which is promising) - seemed very hungry for a fish that had just been on the brink of death seemingly. I fed some crushed pea too, which he wasn't really into but he ate a wee bit...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    Wow! That's a beautiful angel :) The flubinol claims alot doesn't it? I wasn't 100% before putting it in but it really doesn't seem to do any harm whatsoever. Seems like really good stuff. The tank temp is generally around 27/28 C I think I'll just see how it goes with him...keep on nursing...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    Thanks Rob To Answer your questions - o He was originally bullied a little by the largest angel (both bought at the same time but the larger one ate and Silver didn't) - although the larger angel has never been super-aggressive and just states his territory with all the other fish in the...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    Well - it looks as if my prayers might have been answered. I stayed up as late as I could last night - kept the bubbler on as long as possible, and to be honest by the time I went to bed, I had very little hope for the poor chap. It was very upsetting to watch, and I was even considering...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    Well - it looks as if my prayers might have been answered. I stayed up as late as I could last night - kept the bubbler on as long as possible, and to be honest by the time I went to bed, I had very little hope for the poor chap. It was very upsetting to watch, and I was even considering...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    Thanks Rob W We're just going to sleep on it and pray for him right now - best we can do. We called him Silver.
  7. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    Ok. Thank you Wilder. It sounds like I'm going to have to accept the inevitable.
  8. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    I didnt wait 4 weeks, trust me I tried EVERYTHING I could in that time. Used Anti-Internal Parasite med, Flubinol 15 (which actually got him eating in the end - garlic merely spurned him on), general med...lots more - there is little else i could have done in that time.
  9. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    do you think it could be because he hasn't eaten for so long and now he's over-eaten? the fact he's at the surface - does that mean his breathing organs have failed?
  10. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    White, stringy, but with 'sausages' in between - if you catch my drift. He's still fighting at the top, and it generally maintaining upright. I tried shelled peas already and he didn't touch. I repeat it was very very sudden. Was that the same as your tweety?
  11. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    NB. This has been posted on Fish Emergencies too, but I need help ASAP Please Help! I'm not sure what's happening to my angel. Two hours ago he was fine, and now he's floating at the surface of the water gasping for air, swimming rapidly but not going anywhere, laying on his side on and off...
  12. S

    Urgent! Please Help!

    Please Help! I'm not sure what's happening to my angel. Two hours ago he was fine, and now he's floating at the surface of the water gasping for air, swimming rapidly but not going anywhere, laying on his side on and off, and when swimming, swimming with his head bowed and his fins tucked in...
  13. S

    Angel Not Eating

    Tetramin Flake Food and Tetra Prima Granule Food I've tried coaxing him with bloodworm too. Oh, and the plecos have algae wafers
  14. S

    Angel Not Eating

    Hi, I have an Angel fish that is not eating. He doesnt eat anything and is painfully thin now. Its been just over a month and i have not seen him eat anything. He is not interested in the food put in the tank at all. He is in a 240L tank with 3 other angels 4 keyholes and a pleco. The...
  15. S

    Tank Hood & Paint Issues

    I think in that case it's probably oil. It took me literally half-an-hour to get all the reminants off my fingers! But that was using fairy liquid and water...lots of it. Thick thick stuff when it got a little drier. I've looked at the tin and there's no signs of what exectly it's made from...
  16. S

    New South Amrican Tank

    Hi, We have a 240l (65UK Gal) Juwel Rio 240 tank, with an Eheim pro2 filter. We would like to have: 4 Angels 4 Keyholes 4 Rams (blue and golden pairs if poss) 2 plecos (small) Is this over/under stocked? Any help appreciated :good:
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    Getting Rid Of Salt

    ok, great! Thanks for your help!
  18. S

    Getting Rid Of Salt

    Hi, I have a 240L tank that has been previously used as a marine tank. I want to set up a south american cichlid tank, with angels, blue rams, and keyholes. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on rinsing the tank out before i start to cycle it. Im not sure how thourough i have to be...
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    Beginner Question

    Hi, Didn't know if i should post this here or in beginner questions, sorry if its in the wrong place. I have noticed that in couple of fish shops i have been to and even in the london aquarium, that the water with angels and other SA cichlids has been a yellow/brown colour. Quite a distinct...
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    If You Live In The Uk

    Kent here!
  21. S

    Beginner Tank With Angels

    Hi, As posted before i am having problems with species selection. I would really like to keep angels. Can anyone suggest number of angels and other species to go with the angels (the more colourful the better) bearing in mind i am a beginner, we are not interested in breeding, but just want a...
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    Chiclid Beginner

    Thanks Sue, Why would i end up with only a pair of angels? My tap water is hard water (ideal so i hear for cichlids) Would it be too much then in your opinion the preffered option?I am willing to put the time and research in. we haven't bought a tank yet as we wanted to research what was...
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    Cichlid Beginner

    Hi, I am totally new to fish keeping so would like some advice on a beginner cichlid tank. I am interested in cichlids as we want something different form the norm and love the personalities of these fish. Firstly the type of fish: I have been recommended the following: in 200Ltank(50gallons...
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    Chiclid Beginner

    DOH! thanks for the spelling correction, it never was my strong point! :blush:
  25. S

    Chiclid Beginner

    Hi, I am totally new to fish keeping so would like some advice on a beginner chiclid tank. I am interested in chiclids as we want something different form the norm and love the personalities of these fish. Firstly the type of fish: I have been recommended the following: in...
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    New And A Beginner

    Hi All, Im both new to this froum and new to fish keeping, so will be getting as much info here as possible before getting started. Hope to get lots of great advice from this site :D