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  1. C

    Pregnant platy?

    [FONT=Courier][SIZE=7][COLOR=red] Okay, Hello! Umm, lets see here, you will notice the "gravid spot" right above her anal fin. When you should move her is when you notice her being sluggish, and when she looks "squarish". :D i know it sounds funny to say it a fish will get squarish. But look at...
  2. C

    Help im New at BaBy GupPie NurSery

    [FONT=Geneva][SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]:nod: I buy a trio of zebra danios to cycle all my new tanks out in b4 i put other fish in.( Then after they are no more use to me, my cute Oscar gets a treat or three :thumbs: ) umm, i put them in my hexi, that i seted up last week, today. Umm, i still have...
  3. C

    Help im New at BaBy GupPie NurSery

    [FONT=Geneva][COLOR=blue][B][SIZE=7] :crazy: Help! My friend had nowheere to put his new baby guppies, and i had a extra tank. A hexigon 35 gallon tank and a 2 gallon tank. Whitch is better for the babies? What do i feed them? i have been feeding them crushed yup betta pellets and i put a...