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  1. V

    Fish Body Turns Black

    I think I've finally got an idea of what the problem might be. At first I suspected the Quick Cure. So I installed the carbon filter, did a 50% water change. But the fish still seem to be stressed. So, I took out my driftwood and did another 50% water change, and now the fish seem to be getting...
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    Fish Body Turns Black

    Thanks for the info about cycling. I wouldn't worry about my tap water because my other 30 g tank has no problems. What else could be the problem?
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    Fish Body Turns Black

    I've recently started a 10 gallon tank to breed my German blue rams. I started out by putting 1 German blue ram in there to cycle the tank (my breeding pair is still in my 30 gallon tank). After 2 days, the ram in my 10g tank is looking very lively; I tested the water, there was no ammonia, no...
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    German Blue Ram Pairing

    I'm just wondering. Once a male and a female German blue ram have paired up, will they ever separate and form pairs with other rams?
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    White Fuzz On Plant

    I recently bought some new plants and noticed that there is a whilte fuzz on some areas of their foliage. What can that white fuzz be? Is it harmful to my fish?
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    Ick In A Tank With Snails

    My fish got ick. My tank has snails. I heard malachite green, formalin, and Quick Cure treat ick BUT are NOT safe with snails. Is there a way to get rid of ick without harming snails? I do not have a quarantine tank.
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    Bosemani Lack Coloration

    I have 2 bosemani rainbows. One male, one female. I've kept them for quite a while now but they still haven't developed much colors. Do boesmanis have better colors when they are in a larger group? If not, what might be causing the lack of coloration?
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    Bosemani Rainbow

    Male has more of a humped back. Male's rear is a bit orange, while female's rear is only yellow.
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    Snail Forum? Zebra Snail.

    Is there a snail forum around here? I got a few zebra snails, and I would like to know how to sex them.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Thanks everyone for your support. My prestigious malachite green seems to work. Both rams are much better now.
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    My German Rams

    I've treated ick successfully in the past by using a medication called malachite green. It should not be used with weak and small fish, so i'm not sure if you should add malachite green to the tank with the eggs.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Every evening, the sick fish become exceedingly active for a little while, then go back to sulking behind the plants.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Sorry, I'll try to answer the questions as fast as I can. I do not have carbon filter, and it says on the malachite green bottle that I only need to use it once. The main problem right now is still that I'm not quite sure what is causing the sickness.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Does Malachite green wear off after a while? Howcome at first the water is green, and later it becomes clear again?
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    I got a water test done at the store. They said that the water is fine except the ph is way too high. I changed the water, and the ph is now at around 7.4. My rams are now rubbing themselves frantically against gravel and plants. What should I do now?
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Malachite green seems to have done absolutely nothing. I will try to get a water test done tomorrow.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    I've added some Malachite green in case it's a bacterial infection. I definitely think it's caused by parasite because of the rubbing and twitching.
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    Ram Twitching, Stationary, Clamped Fins

    Symptom: I purchased two Columbian rams one week ago. They were fine at first. Later, they started to scrape themselves against plants and gravel. Now, they are constantly stationary behind the plants and occasionally twitch. Their dorsal fins and ventral fins are clamped. Their caudal fin are...