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  1. C

    Pop-eye Here, Medicating, Temp Question...

    Ok real quick- Water levels- Ammoina- 0 Nitrites- 0 Nitrates- 10 PH- 7.6-7.8 3 Tiger Barbs have pop-eye, 1 of them may have to be put down, he is very advanced and medication is only seeming to make matters worse. We have been useing Melafix for 2 days hope further...
  2. C

    Tiger Barbs

    Neon tetras are live food for Tiger Barbs. I wouldnt try Ghost shrimp either, my Tiger Barbs still "patrol" the corners where Ghost shrimp try and hide when we introduce them. Now we just buy them as "treats", some may think that is cruel, but it's just the circle of life. :nod:
  3. C

    1 Already Gone, Now Another On The Way Help!

    ***Update*** Spot (the Tiger Barb) has made what seems to be a complete recovery!! He has righted himself in the water and is swimming nearly normally. I would say he's at 95%, and looking good. Thanks for your advice and kind ear.
  4. C

    Tiger Barbs

    Sorry to interupt this thread but I too am thinking of adding Corys to my tank. I have asked on the Catfish board but no response. Mine is a 24 US gallon with 6 Tiger Barbs 2 Blue Gourami and 1 Pleco of undetermened variety. Think 3 or 4 Corys would fit in? I was thinking of the pigmy Corys.
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    1 Already Gone, Now Another On The Way Help!

    Thanks for the link, great info. I have to brag on htis board abit. In the last 48 hours I have been directed to no less than 5 resources I had never found on my own. AWESOME job an the support!!! Thank you so much!
  6. C

    Instead Of A Glass Divider, Could Mesh Be Used?

    I read your post and thought BINGO!!! Zinc poisoning is not a good thing. Perhaps a vinyl window screening would be good for this? Either way I agree I wouldnt use anything that may be abrasive if the fish in question are likley to rub on it.
  7. C

    Looking For A Replacement Catfish

    Anyone?? TTT
  8. C

    1 Already Gone, Now Another On The Way Help!

    Ph from the tap comes in at a whopping 8.2-8.4, not brown, and not quite purple on the high range ph indicator test. Looks like in my attempt to keep my fish happy I did them, or at least 1 in. :look: Anything I can do short of the whole ph adjusting ride to lower ph a bit? Also anyhope my...
  9. C

    1 Already Gone, Now Another On The Way Help!

    Basic info first 24G Eclipse tank (24in wide, 12 deep 20 high) Stocked with 1 Pleco (of undertermined type) 6 Tiger Barbs, 2 Blue Gourami and untill yesterday 1 Pictus Cat. Water paramaters Ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates <5.0, PH 7.2-7.6. Tank is planted, also has a piece of drift wood...
  10. C

    Looking For A Replacement Catfish

    Flash, our Pictus was found dead this morning at the age of 1 year (give or take) Im sorry to see him go as he was a great fun to watch and truely had character all his own RIP That being said we are thinking of replacing his 3+ inches of self with Corey's mabye 3 I think would about even...
  11. C

    My Tiger Baarrrrbbbsss

    Sounds like normal behaviour for TB's, don't worry, like before mentioned, once the ordeer is set they will be less nippy. Tho they WILL chase and occ nip, that's just who they are.
  12. C

    Roseline Sharks?

    Any what? (ie No pics)
  13. C

    Tetra Tank

    Just keep it close to that, monitor your levels and you should be fine.
  14. C

    Any Tips On Cherry Barbs?

    Do the fish and yourself a favor, go get at least a 20-25G tank. MUCH easier to keep. Not to mention how much happier your fish will be. Just my .02 B)
  15. C

    How Do You Feed Tiger Barbs?

    How do you feed your fish? I know sounds like a silly question, but how do you go about it? Is it always first thing in the morning? Is it always in the same place in the tank? Let me tell you morning in the Atkinson extended family home. The Wife or I get up first, at whatever time it is...
  16. C

    Quick Question On Water Levels...

    Ok so I'm not a total newbie, but the tank is sort of. It's just 48 hrs after the move to a new flat, and the tank is up and running fine. I have never thought to post levels here but I thought it might be interesting to see what everyone thought about it so short after the move. Nitrate 7...
  17. C

    Please Tell Me No....

    If you want a great tank cleaner, a fiesty fellow, and one hell of a flashy swimmer, just get a Pictus. We love ours. He is semi active during the day but once it grts late reguardless if the lights are out or not, he goes NUTS!! Swimming up and down left to right, just one heck of a flashy...
  18. C

    Which Do You Prefer: Real Or Fake Plants

    We started with fake, but now just use them in the background where I dont want to have to "prune", nearly daily like we have to do with the live plants in front. Plastic, no maintanence, no dead stuff floating or light hogging "floaters" Real, look MUCH better and have to help the quality...
  19. C

    Just Moved, Tank And All...

    First off...... 8 mo Eclipse 24G tank, 5 TB's, 2 Blue Gourami, 1 Plec, 1 Pictus, and 1 fiesty she-Fiddler crab. 2/3rds planted 1/3 rd fake, bubble wall, Driftwood. Feed Bio Blend tropical, Blood Worms, frozen brine shrimp, and sinker disks ( fro the Pleco mainly).. Ok on to the move 2000X's...
  20. C

    Tank Weight

    This is why I love ( some ) US measurements. 1G = 8lbs. Plain simple, easy to use. Oh sure you are still figuring in whatever is in the tank besides water, but you are doing that either way, UK or US. To further the discussion on floor structure.... A previous post mentions a 4 ft tank vs...
  21. C

    Moving Flats, Here Is My Plan. Any Ideas?

    Hello all. My wife and I have an Eclipse 25g tank and comming the first of Sept will be moving literally across the parking lot. I have given the move some thought and here is what I have come up with. 1. Remove all large items from tank. ie large drift wood, rock, ect. 2. Siphon out water...
  22. C

    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    Too many fish in a 10G. At 2.5-3in each at full growth your tank is already over stocked. Please check out the beginners section and do some more reading, there is a ton of great info out there. Good luck!
  23. C

    Pictus Catfish

    I learned this the hard way. After we added (another) 10 ghost shrimp and they were all gone in a couple of days. "Geee where did all the shrimp go?" I asked, "BURP" (said the Pictus). :hey:
  24. C

    Ghost Shrimp And A Fiddler Crab Disappeared, Was It The Pictus?

    I have been reading up in my Pictus here on the board and there have been several referances to the fact that they are Predatory at heart. Think A single Pictus could go through 10 Ghost shrimp and a fiddler crab in a span of a few months? And... If he is the culprit, should I continue to...
  25. C

    Fiddler Crab

    Just remember small shrimp are another story entirely!
  26. C

    Water Getting Too Hot

    Turn the heater down. 82C!!!!! Dear god turn off the stove! Cause you see 82C is like 170 F. I cook sausage at thet temp. Are you sure thats the reading? Because 82F isnt all tha tbad. At least I hope. Which brings me to the origonal reason I responded to this post. My tank is ususlly...
  27. C

    Fiddler Crab

    My wife and I bought 2 female Fiddlers awhile back, of course the guy at the LFS didnt bother to tell us the crabs need to be able to get out tof the water. Well after a bunch of reading, online searching we came up with this..... It is a "Turtle island" used to give turtles a place to get...
  28. C

    Help! Pump Died!

    Hey all thank you for taking the time to read this post. Here's the skinny, Eclipse 25G tank purchased in Dec of last year. I was doing a partial water change and accidentally unplugged the pump instead of the heater, no prob, just plug it back in right!! Nope! Nothing. The impeller spins...
  29. C

    Is My Glass Shrimp Having Fry?

    I noticed some dark spots on the underside of one of my glass shrimp that has moved across the tank from the rest of them, and has not moved from the spot in 2 days. Is she (he/it) laying eggs?? Here are a few pics, tell me what you think. Thanks!
  30. C

    Tiger Barb Question

    Peas = poop! Odd dosen't work for me ;) No really, great info, but how do you feed peas?!?! Do they need to be at the bottom or is it ok to let them float around the tank?
  31. C

    Neon Tetras

    I read a great article about the differances bewteen "shoal" and "school". I'm going to stay up late to try and find it for ya, just awesome stuff. There are HUGE differances bewteen the two. You would need mabye 20 or more neons to trigger true schooling. 4 will shoal, ie hang out...
  32. C

    Would Love More Ghost Shrimp But.....

    That isnt a self portrate at the bottom of your post is it?? How do you get a keyboard in there?? :P j/k I was thinking the same thing, just looking for a few wise voices for confirmation. I'm growing attached to our finned ones and want them to be happy and healthy. Danke!!
  33. C

    Mystery Snail

    The smaller of mine does this for a day or 2 at a time. Once he did this for 3 days on an apparent tasty spot on a chunk of drift wood. By seeing yours out of the shell he/she/it may just be chill'in. ;) I would'nt worry.
  34. C

    Would Dwarf G's Be A Good Addition To This Tank?

    Update-----> Gouramis assimilating very well. Have taken the top 4 or so inches of the tank for their own. Heck they often chase the Tiger Barbs out of "their" territory. Feeding is interesting, tho they stay at the top of the tank, when we open the lid to feed they dart down, allowing the...
  35. C

    Would Love More Ghost Shrimp But.....

    We have 4 confirmed Ghost shrimp now and they are an absolute blast to watch. We would love to add 4 or 5 more but in a tank that is already close to max, once everyone grows up, I'm concerned that they will add more waste than clean. For referance tank is a 25G Eclipse with 6 Tiger Barbs, 1...
  36. C

    Would Dwarf G's Be A Good Addition To This Tank?

    Thanks for the responses, unfortunately prior to reading this we did indeed add 2 Powder Blue Gouramis. I'll keep an eye on them and if worse comes to worse we'll return them and make this 25G tank a home for a shoal of Tiger barbs. They are fun to watch, we have 6 now mabye 4 more? Who...
  37. C

    Just Got 3 Blue Gourami...

    Chili cheese dogs, and beer nutz. :P No really, if you have other fish what you are feeding them should be fine for right now. Go back to the LFS and browse the shelves. Best of luck!
  38. C

    Fighting - Please Define

    I just want to say thanks for the great G info on this board. We are about to add our first 2 G's this weekend ( see other post ) and this is the type of info we need.
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    Would Dwarf G's Be A Good Addition To This Tank?

    Hello all! We currently have 6 Tiger Barbs, 1 Pleco of undetermined sort, and 1 Pictus in a 24x12x20 25G Eclipse tank. Plenty of both real and fake plants, Large rock formation and Driftwood. Both my Fiancee and I love the coloration of the Dwarf G's, and searching on compatibility charts...