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  1. D

    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    Getting some new behavior with my firemouths. First off, not sure if I made it clear that I don't know for sure if I have 2 males or a male and a female. The larger more aggressive one I'm certain is male. Anyways just recently, the smaller one that usually gets attacked actually came up to...
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    Anubias Nana

    Just received an Anubias Nana plant from ebay. I've always had bad luck with live plants so I'm going to see how this one does before I add anymore. Ive added plant grow and using zoo med 5500k tropic sun bulbs, anything else I should know to ensure the growth of this plant? Also, would Java...
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    Is It Best To Keep Parrot Fish In Groups Or 2

    My parrots always stay together and usually chase eachother around, but no damage or stress.
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    2 Filters?

    Ok, I'll add another filter on the other end of the tank. And yes I routinely clean the filter and add new carbon.
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    2 Filters?

    I've had a magnum 350 for years for my 55 gallon. It seems to do a good job but doesn't seem as powerful as it should, especially since I've added more fish and decor. Would it hurt to add a small powerfilter with a biowheel on the other end of the tank?
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    Here is the aggressive firemouth, I'm guessing male. The firemouth getting attacked, I'm guessing female, barely any red. Female starting to get chased. Pics arent great, but hope that gives a little more info.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    About 3.5 inches.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    When I thought my firemouth was improving he has only gotten worse. He has already grown considerably larger than the other fish and now constantly attacks my blood parrots and even catfish. I hate to get rid of this guy, best looking fish I've owned.
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    Parrots With Other Cichlids

    I bought the four parrots hoping I could find out which ones are male and female when they mature. I'll keep a pair and make plans for relocating the other 2 to a friend's tank or selling them. Thanks for the help.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    My male firemouth still harasses the female, but to a less extent now. Sometimes I'll see the male come up to the female and they will start moving in a backwords motion with tails touching, after a few seconds he attacks her again. She usually finds a place to hide and my blood parrots are...
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    Biowheel With Magnum 350

    I heard biowheels can be used with a Magnum 350 filter? Which biowheel would work best and how would it connect with the Magnum?
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    Killer Catfish?!?

    It wouldn't happen to look like this one would it?
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    Blood Parrot Changing Color

    I've had 4 juvinile BPs for about 2 weeks now, 2 are black and 2 are orange with black markings (not sure if it's the disease or not). Over the past few days one of the orange BPs has been losing the black markings and is now almost a solid orange color, actually looks better now. Also another...
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    I let the male out the other day and everything seemed fine. Now he's back to attacking the female constantly also attacking the blood parrots. Sometimes the parrots will fight back so I'm not too worried about them other than they are stressed. Should I wait it out? I heard these fish calm...
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    Plants With A Few Cichlids

    Would it be worth puting live plants with Firemouths and Blood parrots? I understand these fish will end up digging them up, but is there a hardy plant I can put in there because I would like a few live plants instead of just all plastic.
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    Firemouths Acting Funny

    My firemouth flares the red gills when other fish get too close. It's almost like when a dog growls if threatend.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    Ok, the male seems to be calming down now that hes been seperated in the corner of the tank for a couple days. The female is getting along with the blood parrots so far. I'd hate to get rid of the firemouths, really nice looking fish. I'll let the male out after awhile and see what happens.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    I have a 55 gallon decored with rocks, a fake driftwood, and 3 background plastic plants. Maybe not enough space? I figured it's enough being as this firemouth is still small.
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    Firemouth Too Aggressive.

    I recently purchased a male firemouth, a little more than 3 inches, hes been showing a lot of a aggression attacking my blood parrots. I introduced what I thought was a female firemouth and she was getting beaten up by the male instantly. I have the male quarantined with a tank divider, all the...
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    Male Firemouth Digging Hole

    Just curious why my firemouth is digging a hole in the gravel and stacking all the pieces of gravel on the same flat rock. He attacks my blood parrots if they get anywhere near the hole. Is this some kind of territory thing?
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    Parrots Afraid Of The Light

    I ended up trying all these methods and now they show almost no fear and actually wait to be fed. Thanks for the help.
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    Parrots With Other Cichlids

    Yeah youre probably right, my first time owning BPs and didn't realize how big they get. I'll hold off on adding anymore fish or I'll give one away to a friend if it seems to be over crowded later on.
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    Parrots With Other Cichlids

    I have 4 small blood parrots with 1 small male firemouth for my 55 gallon, they all seem to get along fine (the firemouth showing aggression once in awhile, but nothing serious yet) I want to add a female firemouth and a male convict to the mix. I'm hoping to breed the convict with the BPs and...
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    What Cat Is This?

    Just looked up Mystus vittatus on goole images and it looks like thats the one, although I'm having trouble finding information on it other than that it needs lots of hiding places.
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    What Cat Is This?

    I've had this catfish for a couple years now that resembles the body of a pictus but has two dark stripes down the body. I can't get a pic of it because it is extrememly shy, only coming out for a minute late at night. I'd like to figure what breed this is and why it spends 24 hours hiding.
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    Parrots Afraid Of The Light

    I recently purchased 4 blood parrots and 1 firemouth cichlid, everytime I turn the tank light on all of these fish take off under the rocks and won't come out until I turn the light off. I also have to get 10 feet away because they are scared of any movement outside the tank. I hoping they will...
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    Buying From Ebay

    Just pay close attention to the description and sellers feedback and you'll be fine.
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    Gourami Help

    My blue gourami would always attack fish it didn't like..
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    Abnormal Fish Behavior?

    Water quality is normal and I disconnected heater. Still no change. I think my pacu just wants out. There is no interest in food but he appears very healthy and full of energy. And as for the other fish I think they are all hiding because of all the movement from the pacu being as he is 5...
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    Abnormal Fish Behavior?

    I've noticed this for the past week, my red bellied pacu has grown to about 7 inches in my 55 gallon (yes I know 55 gallon is too small) and just recently he has been swimming frantically up and down back and forth the tank for hours on end. He wont eat anything at all and my 2 blood parrots...