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  1. S

    Kribs Wont Breed!

    Ok, thanks for that, might go and buy them some freeze dried tubifex, i know this comes in small cubes which would probably be ideal. Is tubifex still a beneficial meal to be feeding them? Im just getting really impatient!
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    Kribs Wont Breed!

    Hi, My kribs wont breed, whats the matter? they have paired up and i have provided them with a plastic plantpot, turned upside down with a small hole in the side. water parameters are ph 6.8 kh2 gh3, planted tank 24*18*12 with neons and white clouds. The only reason i can think of is...
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    Kribs Munching On A Neon Sandwich

    Could I have a large neon burger to go? hold the onions, extra algae.
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    Planting Potted Plants

    ok cheers, ill give it a go
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    Kribs Munching On A Neon Sandwich

    Hello, Woke up this morning and put on my fish tank light, found my two kribs munching on a neon. Dont know if the neon had died of natural causes or if it had been hunted during the night. Just wondering whether the kribs would find the neon a beneficial meal, is it healthy for them or not...
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    Planting Potted Plants

    Hello, I often buy potted plants and before planting them i remove them from the plastic pots. The plants base are usually surrounded by a grey foamy thing, is it best to remove this before planting or to keep it on for a while before removing? The problem is my kribs have a habit of...
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    To Ug Or Not To Ug

    Ive used internal canister filters in the past, however recentely i have changed to external filters which i feel provide a much better water quality and ease of maintenance is much better and its also possible to mess around with the filter medium inside the external filter to acheive certain...
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    Need Help Changing The Tank To An All-out Plant Tank

    How about this: 1. Take a hold of the shipwrecks and other lame ornaments in the tank. 2. Put them all in a large bag. 3. Launch the bag off the highest cliff around, casting those inexcusable plastic distractions into oblivion for all eternity. You can then begin to rebuild your tank into a...
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    Cloudy Tank Due To Sand?

    I dont really think there is a need to do all the rinsing, ive used sand for a number of years now and have encountered this problem many times. Just keep doing partial water changes until it clears up. I much prefer the look of a well planted aquarium with sand than a tank with gravel, plus i...
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    Breeding Kribensis

    I live in Glasgow, I think it shouldnt be a problem getting the peat as ive bought it from my lfs previously, however, that was when i had a 4ft tank and it didnt seem to make any difference, i think this was probably due to the fact that my water was relatively harder than it is now (...
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    Breeding Kribensis

    ok, thanks again for getting back to me. What do you suggest for lowering PH? I dont really want to start cutting holes in my plumbing to install a R/O system. What about adding some pieces of mopani and removing the carbon from my filter? would the tannins bring the PH down to a suitable...
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    Breeding Kribensis

    well thanks for the reply, I probably was jumping the gun a little with regards to the breeding guess ill just have to bide my time. I didnt actually mean put apistos in with the kribs, i meant that hypothetically if i didnt have the kribs then would the apistos mentioned previously be...
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    Breeding Kribensis

    Hello All, A few weeks ago i went to my lfs and bought 4 juvenile kribs. Two of the kribs have now paired off and killed one of the other ones. So I have 3 kribs left now, and as i said, 2 have paired off. I dont have any rocks in my tank however i do have some pieces of bogwood and lots of...
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    Breeding Kribensis

    Hello All, A few weeks ago i went to my lfs and bought 4 juvenile kribs. Two of the kribs have now paired off and killed one of the other ones. So I have 3 kribs left now, and as i said, 2 have paired off. I dont have any rocks in my tank however i do have some pieces of bogwood and lots...
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    Ordering Plants Online

    Hello there, i`m looking to buy some plants online, i live in Glasgow, im just wondering where the best place to buy is and what other aquarists experiences have been like? Im specifically looking to buy some anubius barteri. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks Shuggie.
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    Fridge Filtration!

    Thanks for the reply Simon, Guess Id be best just buying an R/O unit then. If I was setting one of these up is it not possible to run one without plumbing it in to the main water supply i.e. just add tap water, leave it overnight and hey presto you have filtered water in the morning? Do...
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    Fridge Filtration!

    Hello, At the moment I have a 24*18*12 aquarium with external eheim filter. At the moment I have some neon tetras and white cloud's and 4 kribs, ive only had the tank for a 2 months and am waiting for the kribs to pair up and start breeding. However, i know in the future I`ll probably be...