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  1. fishboytoo

    Coral Of The Week - Xenia

    I think pulsing xenia are awesome. I just bought 4 heads yesterday on a coral skeleton. I put them in and they were pulsing away withing minutes. However, by last night 2 had "melted" of at the base and the other 2 were loosely attached on. I glued one onto my rockwork and the the other I...
  2. fishboytoo

    Fish Only Setup Idea

    Thanks for the replies. Let me see if I understand correctly. Okay, so the tank is not a lost cause if I wash it out with RO water. Everything in it needs replacing however ie. tufa and sand. Washing the tank should then make it ok for inverts and/or corals in the future. That's good news...
  3. fishboytoo

    Fish Only Setup Idea

    Thanks for the reply. My wife will be very happy now, as I think you have indicated the fatal flaw in my plan. :X I have used copper in that tank before-not for ich but I read it might clear up black brush algae. This means that tufa is a good reservoir for copper. I believe that would rule out...
  4. fishboytoo

    Fish Only Setup Idea

    Hi, So, it's been 2 months since I started my nano tank and the salt-water bug has infested my veins worse than a bad case of schistosomiasis. Now I'm thinking of converting my 90gal african cichlid tank into a fish only set-up. I am rather bored with the tank as it is now. My wife is not very...
  5. fishboytoo

    Starting Saltwater Aquarium

    You've got it right, the idea behind RO is to remove impurities from the tap water before you mix with the salt mix and add to tank. RO units are designed to remove nearly all contaminants, usually better than 95%. They will remove heavy metals, nitrates, and phosphates. These are the important...
  6. fishboytoo

    Identification Questions

    Thanks Nemo, I thought they looked like jelly fish. I didn't know that there were jelly fish that small. Anyone have any ideas about that mollusc-looking thing?? I don't know if it was moving or not but yesterday it was hardly visible with the zoos opened up around it. They practically covered...
  7. fishboytoo

    Identification Questions

    Hi, Does anyone know what these are? First one looks like some sort of bi-valve. I could swear that the thing moves around. One day its where I took the picture then its no where to be seen for two days, then its back. Thought that was strange. I suppose my view could have been obscured by the...
  8. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thought I'd throw up a few pic's with more than just a bare tank. This is the shrimp just hanging out in his corner, as always. My green star polyps And the Master of the house, for now:
  9. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thanks Seffie, I did find that article about hermit species. Very informative. Interestingly it says that scarlet hermits are one of the more aggressive hermits for aquariums, yet I find mine is rather docile. I suppose there are individual variations-perhaps no one told him he should be...
  10. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    I certainly can extend the acclimation period in the future. How many kinds is too many do you think? Would I be ok with the 3 types: scarlet, dwarf blue leg, and electric blue? I really did know better than to do that. I guess I was just hopefull that things would turn out ok. Darn that...
  11. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    I'm guessing that one hour was probably ok, at least for all the other inverts it has seemed to be fine. I would like to add another astrea snail, I think the one I have is fantastic at cleaning up the algae. I am also considering another electric blue hermit, but I have not seen many, other...
  12. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    It's not that important now, Mr Crabs succumbed shortly after my last post yesterday. :-( It was/is only the one crab that showed any problems. I also put in 4 dwarf blue leg and 1 scarlet hermit at the same time-they are doing fine. I did drip acclimate for a little more that 1 hour as I was...
  13. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thank you for the compliments! I am happy with the way it looks so far. I added my first fish yesterday a firefish goby/dartfish. He hid under the rocks for half the day, then was actively looking for food on the current. He took a couple small pieces of mysid and seems to be fine with the new...
  14. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thanks harry, I hope this guy comes around too. It actually seems a bit worse today. Overnight he crawled under/behid some rock and has stayed there the whole day. He has been pulled into his shell most of the time too. There was a point where I actually thought he had left teh shell-as he was...
  15. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thanks for the replies. An update: I replaced my crap-job refugium with a substantially better DIY version. This one is about 2.5-2.6 gallons HOB acrylic with some aragonite sand, live rock rubble, and a small bunch of chaeto. It adds about 12.5% total water volume to the system, which I think...
  16. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thanks for the feedback. I have an update and, of course, more questions. I have put the tank together. I have had to alter the refugium plan, as I realized I gave the aquaclear 70 away. I did some creative work with acrylic and an old filter for a 10 gallon to make an ugly HOB half gallon...
  17. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Thanks for the replies. I went back to the LFS tonight and talked to the same guy again. I quized him a little more on the RO and he changed his story a bit, or I mis-understood the first time. He said they do use RO water but not completely, they use "some" tapwater with it as they feel it...
  18. fishboytoo

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    Hello, Looking for your opinions on my planned nano reef, plus a couple questions. I have been reading alot on nano and saltwater in general lately as this is my first foray into it. I have been into freshwater for more than a decade now, off and on. I have read many threads in this section and...
  19. fishboytoo

    Browning Leaves On Java Fern

    Hello Plant Aficionados, My problem is browning of the leaves on my java fern (narrow leaved variety). They start off fine, nice and healthy looking then they develope brown splotches which eventually consume the entire leaf. This looks to some extent like a natural life cycle whereby the...
  20. fishboytoo

    Old Age?

    That's a tricky question. It seems highly doubtful that the fish have an "expiry date" and just perish when they hit that pre-set birthday. It is definite that there is some underlying physiological cause for each death. This may be directly related to age, such as the older the fish gets the...