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  1. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    What has happened to this forum i have been trying to login on my phone for 3 weeks but cant get in  login from PC right away    I have gone peacock bass crazy
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    Hi just a little update I have stated thinking about peacock bass I think they would look good in my tank I have found this 14" male kelberi and I'm looking for another 3 or 4
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    I'm sorry to say my big female p14 died today It was my own fault for not moving her sooner after she was getting harassed by 2 males She was over 8 years old and would rather die than breed She was born in my old tank 2 males was trying to breed with her but she wouldn't give it up...
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    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    All the oddballs I own are my fav that's why I purchased them and kept them over 8 years lol Stingrays Asian Arowana Tigrinus catfish Datnoid pulcher And not a oddball 14" tinfoil barbs
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    I have had this little girl about 4 months now One of my fav rays
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    Can Stingrays "stunt" Themselves Like Fish Can?

    I do feel sorry for a lot of pond owners as they always seam to have problems posting pics lol
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    Can Stingrays "stunt" Themselves Like Fish Can?

    Well a 15gal is way way to small and will not stunt the Ray it will kill it Rays need a large water volume not just to grow but to like If you only have 15gal the water would be polluted within 12 hours not something you should be doing to a £1000 fish You shouldn't buy a Ray for anything...
  8. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    I sold the pair of pearl rays and got this male p14 size about 9" disk he will turn black and white as he grow s
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    Picking this up next week I like it a lot
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    It's been sometime so this is the pearl rays they have grown fast and eat like pigs Oops I don't know how to rotate the pic
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    You know what I haven't read it yet but have been told the aro looks amazing due to the lights they setup on my cover glasses
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    Hi guys My tank has a full 5 page write up on my tank this month in practical fish keeping You probably don't need to read it if you have read this thread but still nice for me to get it old school on paper
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    Not got the cambelli After years of keeping lots of tiger fish in the one tank the big tiger decided he wants the tank to himself he won't tollorate any other tigers in the tank now
  17. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    The hybrid is in the grow out tank for 3 months The good thing about having my grow out connected to my main tank is I can leave pellets in the small tank all the time for small fish to graze on without it affecting the water buffet style Yes this thread has hit 50 pages now
  18. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Well I got the little hybrid ray dropped to my house at 2am and I must admit it was a bit smaller than I was expecting
  19. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Right a little update I have this little female pearl to go with the male I also have this female coming next Friday This one is a hybrid ray the parents are mother black diamond x pearl the father is henlei x leopoldi I'm hoping to breed her with my male p14 in a few years then she will...
  20. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Yes it's cost a bit to run In the summer with no heaters on it cost about £30 per week now buy the time you add other things in like food and other bits to run the tank is probably £55-£60 per week
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    This is about the most resent picture One more I will take a fresh video soon
  22. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    That's for asking about health it's all good I walk about fine now on robot legs 4 years now this tank has been running with not 1 water change by hand I still love every part of the hobby
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    Little update pic now in the big tank Ooooops forgot to ad pic
  24. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    I sort of started off at the higher end of rays back in the 90s before everyone had internet so hard to get much info on them I started off with leopoldi which was £125 which was a lot of money back them Looking back the leopoldi grow to big for the 6x2x2 I kept it in A very small ray is...
  25. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    The turtle is long gone It was a good idea but fish and turtles don't mix It only went well for about 5-6 months them he started nipping at the rays so he had to go which was a shame as Fly River turtles are getting very rare now The only reason I tried the turtle was I was thinking they...
  26. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    It's been a long time since I posted so a little update I got this male pearl ray a few months back he has grown real well in my pup tank and will be joining the big boys soon Also practical fish keeping came to do a visit last Friday and it will be in the mag in 2-4 months
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    just living the dream
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    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    as for parasites i swear by a uv steralizer they are expenciove new but you can pick one up cheap on ebay for about £20   i wouldnt run a tank without one   if you pay £20 on a 15w vectron uv think about how much money that will save you on meds alone
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    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    I do feel a very high percentage of even small 10g tanks are very over stocked For a 20 gal owner a 75 gal is a massive tank The size of tanks we all have may be bigger or smaller but the size of fish we keep changes with the size tank we have I haven't changed the mix of fish I keep for...
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    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    Hi   im a big fish guy and can i just say no matter how big your tank is you will always end up over stocked to some extent   i know everyone is telling you this and that fish get to big for your tank but its not the full grown size of all fish that counts its how long you want to keep them  ...
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    not posted pics of my big cat for ages           the lighter is full size zippo not the small girls type and my tank is 19mm 3/4" glass which make the fish look small
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    the new male should be mature and ready to breed in 10 months give or take a few months   but i think it will be a long time before they can handle the big girls
  33. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    finished over 3 years ago now   i have 2 males not   i got this one last week  
  34. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    sad day   the king is dead after having a fight and trying to breed  with my biggest female       from front lip to tip of the tail 30" disk size 18" 6.5 years old   long live the new kide on the block     this shows how big my females are this new male is 9" disk   i have another male coming...
  35. T

    1000 Us Gal Project

    i picked this new guine tiger fish up the other day as it was to nice to turn down   and my change of tinfoil barbs is complete getting all the barbs took about a year as i grew them in my ray pup tank then when they got to big for that i swapped them with my mate   i have 7 barbs now all about ...
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    Ro Mix

    right   i was running a drip system which pushed 200 gal per day into the main tank with a over flow on my sump this was run throw a HMA filter first which is bassically a ro unit without the membrain so no waste water   the problem with this is my ph from the tap is high 8 so the tank would sit...
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    Ro Mix

    its fw
  38. T

    Ro Mix

    i know some people add tap water to RO to add minerals what the correct mix   ie how many gal of tap water do you add to pure RO tds 0ppm
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    pups just pay to run the tank
  40. T


    wholesale tropicals in bethnal green london have some good ones and cheap £20 each size about 3"   if you want some meet me there send me a pm i have 3 on hold