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  1. J

    Sailfin Plec Rip

    I have a Rio180 tank with its built in filtration
  2. J

    Sailfin Plec Rip

    Was only about 6.5 inches long. Tank stats all normal.
  3. J

    Sailfin Plec Rip

    This afternoon I found my 2 year old sailfin plec lying dead at the bottom of my tank. I can't understand what happened to him. Was swimming around last night and then when I came home from work I found him. Water sats all ok bar pH which had dropped from 6.5 to 6. Feeding community with flakes...
  4. J

    Help!-sick Zebra Danio & 2 Sick Platies

    :( Urgent help/advice needed. I have discovered today that I have three sick fish. I have a large 250litre mixed community with platies, harlequins, zebra danios and a plec. One of my zebra danios has a big swollen gill on one-side and isn't half as active as usual (just shoaling around with...
  5. J

    Moving House

    Thats great, thanks Emma! :nod:
  6. J

    Moving House

    In about 8weeks time I will be moving house. I currently have a fully stocked 180litre tank (zebra danios, harlequins, platies and a plec). I am dreading having to move the fish/tank. I plan on getting another smaller tank for a few weeks, cycling it, and then moving the fish into it bit by bit...
  7. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    Fins not really clamped, possibly her ventral fins (maybe thats cause she has been lying on them). However she seems to have vanished since yesterday and have been searching through plants etc but not easy to locate anything. I fear the worse!!!! If she is dead I cannot understand where her body...
  8. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    Hear are a couple of pics of her. sorry about the poor quality!!! Woops, sorry about size of first pics
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    Preg Platy Emergency

    Just completed water change. Dont have isolation tank and all others fine. should I add some anti-bac (have some melafix). Have a small breeder net but don't think I'd be able to catch her (hiding here there and everywhere). Sorry Wilder, forgot to mention; she is quite old (I think) about 10...
  10. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    Slightly higher than normal (0.5) but no higher than before previous water changes. Will go ahead with change now.
  11. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    Nitrates, ammonia pH ok. Have plenty of plants (lots of places to hide). Have been trying to get a picture of her put she is not cooperating. Have fed peas, others love them but she's not too interested! will keep a close eye on her.
  12. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    Water stats are fine; due a water change soon but was going to wait till I was sure she had finished giving birth. No other symtoms; she just lies on her side or against something until another fish swims by and then she moves on and lays down again. No new fry that I have noticed today, just...
  13. J

    Preg Platy Emergency

    I started off with 2male and 4 female platies and now find myself with fry of all sizes! My oldest female has been getting bigger and bigger for the past 2 weeks. Came home a few days ago to find her lying on her side on the bottom of the tank, eventually another platy came along and she swam...