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    the berlin air lift 60: do you think it will shoot foam or anything, is there anything on that page that is better for a 40 gallon tank, that will cost around £40
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    A Planted Malawi Tank

    I am no expert but according to nearly everyone I have encountered on this forum malawi cichlids+plants=dead, ripped to shred plants. So, uuuum, no :no:
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    Ro Or 'tapwater Purifcation'?

    how many times do I have to replace the filter on a tapwater purification unit?
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    Ro Or 'tapwater Purifcation'?

    hi, I want to know which of these two is better to buy, and whether 'tapwater purification' is good, it says it is good for saltwater: this is the purification unit ( the first thing you see) this is the RO unit, the 4 stage one for £75...
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    Small Crab, With My Current Fish?

    uuuuum, I'm not that sure, but any crab will probably die or eat your fish
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    sorry about posting in the nano reef section :*) :*)
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    My New Nano Reef (with Pictures)

    same here :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    cool, thanks, I'm just wondering. Would a 36 inch by 16 inch by 15 inch (depth) be good? :)
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    Red Fiddler Crabs

    could anyone give me any information about fiddler crabs? I am looking into these and want to know their requirements, thanks :alien:
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    does tank length, width, or depth need to be considered when buying a nano (except from the extremes)? Like cichlids do they have too have large length or anything? Thanks :hey:
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    My New Nano Reef (with Pictures)

    how much is the tank you are using?
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    lol, question for steelhealr. I might just do a FOWLR tank, so would these be alright Thanks Keane!
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    I know i need to provide different shells for hermits. But where do I get them from? Just wondering, thanks
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    could i use these at first and also can you recommend me some tubes to fit this fixture?
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    would these be good for a 20 g tank? the first ones along soft corals is what I will be keeping if that helps :S :S
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    Discus In Out Side Pond?

    if you could, what would be the point? Illustration of pond view with discus: l l l
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    12 Gallon Jbj Dx Model

    im not too sure but apparently the 12 is good
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    I Cant Tell The Male N Female Apart

    pictures may help
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    Do You Eat Your Pet Fish When They Die?

    Uuuuuuuuuum all I can say is that this is stupid of you to make the 'sick' face. Arrowana is a food fish and dunno if it is still happening but thanks to fish keepers, a country further up the river is selling baby arrowanas to fish keepers. This is causing problems. So, all I can say is...