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  1. C

    How Do I Treat New Driftwood?

    -_- does the same apply to driftwood that is in cellephane bought from lfs as l have bought this a couple of weeks ago and was unsure if l needed to do anything to it before putting it into the tank? :/
  2. C

    Changing Filter

    :/ sorry don't mean to hijack but could anyone answer my query i have an external filter and am changing to an internal filter ( fed up of flooding floor everytime l clean filter) so what about my good bacteria in external filter? any help greatly appreciated :crazy:
  3. C


    :/ help can anybody tell me why my nutafin co2 system has gone mad (excuse non technical language) loads of bubbles coming through the maize thingy so thought argh needs new stuff in cannister so l did that last night but still same today have now unplugged it but there's still loads of bubbles...
  4. C

    Help Needed

    :rolleyes: thank you will try and persuade hubby that l need another tank!!!!
  5. C

    Help Needed

    :/ Thanks very much for the link l think they are the red clawed hermit crab l have three but the chap at lfs never mentioned about needing land as they were in a fish tank with other fish l don't know what to do whether to lower the water level or should l put them in a seperate tank really...
  6. C

    Help Needed

    :/ could anybody tell me if its unusual for my crabs to crawl up filter pipe out of water and perch himself there.Any advice most appreciated
  7. C

    Newbie Needs Help

    -_- hi sorry didn't get back but had a tank emergency if things were not bad enough some fish have white spot so had to treat so haven't done water check but yes did a part fishless cycle :sad:
  8. C

    Newbie Needs Help

    -_- Hello all hope you can help feeling very confused had tank set up for probably 2 months and am losing couple of fish per week don't know what l am doing wrong especially seeing as l have four new baby fish and they are doing well any advice would be greatly appreciated Further info: 2ft tank...