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  1. G

    Bottled Water

    I don't know how to test the iron I have been reading the tips for beginners and the long post on "bacteria" from "new tank syndrome". I don't know how to test my water or what levels are correct. The links on the post were invalid.
  2. G

    Bottled Water

    the tank kit came with a "Whisper 5-15 power filter with filter cartridge". My tank is not set up yet. It is a 10-gal kit I bought.
  3. G

    Bottled Water

    Thank you for the quick response! I hate to use my water, because it will be orange looking. Any suggestions? Distilled?
  4. G

    Bottled Water

    My tap water has a lot of iron in it. Can I use bottled water, spring water to fill my tank? Do I still need to use a water treatment such as Tetra's "AquaSafe"? TIA, Gertie
  5. G

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi There! I am a newbie with my tank and filter still in the box. I know I will find this forum very helpful and I am very excited. My DH and I bought a 10 gallon aquarium kit. I am looking forward to meeting everyone!