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  1. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    Well wanted to let you know my Pictus's are still kicking, how I don't know because every couple hours they seem to be near death, but then they perk up, today they seem alot better, but i lost a lot of fish the last coupkle days, danio's are dropping like flies, my pleco died and so did my...
  2. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    hey Fawke Thanks for the words of encouragement, it's nice to hear there may be hope!
  3. R

    Lonely Kisser

    Well i certianly dont breed them, and I had 4 of them in a 29 gallon tank, big no no, but I had no idea, i have way too many fish in my tank (just finding this out), as far as their sex lol i just thought it/she looked like a girl thats why I reffered to it as she, I have 2 left and they are...
  4. R

    A Board Question

    Thanks worked like a charm!! :)
  5. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    Well I appreciate anyones opinion, My Black shark is only about 2 inches, and thats being generous same as my pictus's lol, I thought they all looked so small in my tank, do they grow to be pretty big?
  6. R

    A Board Question

    Hey, I'm trying to figure out the font and color for my signature, but i ended up with my signiture following my font settings, how do I actually get them to apply? Sorry this wasent a fish question, just didnt know where to ask this at?
  7. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    Yikes!! Well I am certianly glad you told me that, because I have been feeding them 3-4 times a day!! I have sooo much to learn. The pictus's seemed pretty spry this morning but seem to be slowing down again,,I've allready changed the water today so i'll wait untill late tonite to do it again...
  8. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    I actually don't live in the U.S, I'm in Canada and trust me where i live is quite isolated, but on a good note, my pictus's survived the nite, and not only did they survive but they are swimming around a bit and one even ate his breakfeast this morning YAY!!! One of my danios died thru the...
  9. R

    Lonely Kisser

    I had 4 gouramis in my tank, and i am no fish expert at all, in fact i'm in the middle of a fish crisis due to ignornace, but my gourami died similarly to yours, this is what I think happened, when they would "kiss" which i think is a form of aggression it seemed like her puffy lips began to...
  10. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    I will get the test kits you guys speak of, but it's impossible for me to do it in time, I live 3 hours from the nearest Walmart ( I hate to even say it), and i'm wondering if they would even have them, all I can do is what i'm doing i guess, i'll change the water again in a few hours, i'm...
  11. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    Hey Ben Thanx so much for replying, my pictus's are still hanging on (3 of them), and I remain with 8 danios, 2 pink kissers, 1 pleco, and 1 black shark, I'm really nervous about them all now, and yes i've learned that Walmart is the pits, and they are sooo getting a call from me tommorow...
  12. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    thank you so much, if anything i've leared a hard lesson, I appreciate your help, i'm going to go change the water now, wish me luck! Rensky
  13. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    Thank you for replying, unfortunatley I messed up big time, I added aquarium salt a half hour ago approx 2 1/2 tbsp. My catfish are doomed i think, I'm pretty pissed at Walmart atm, They told me to do all these things and i did, no one told me anything about cycling a tank, I bought it, the lady...
  14. R

    My Pictus's Are Dying! Help!

    hey I'm hoping someone can help me here, I think i'm short on time, In my 29 gallon tank (which i've had almost 2 mnths, I have/had 4 pictus catfish, 8 danios, 4 pink kissers a black shark and a pleco, one of my kissing fish died last week(what reason i'm not sure), but my biggest most favorite...
  15. R

    I'm Rensky!

    Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to have found this board,I'm a 29 yr old mom of 2 girls, it's been a long time since i've belonged to one so plz bare with me.I'm new to the fish scene i've been the proud owner of an aquarium for the last 2 1/2 weeks. I've got a couple pictus catfish(which I just...