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  1. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

      Thats what Ive been doing...  I bought a bottle of 9% H2O2 and dilute that 3:1 with tank water, then "wash" the patches with a syringe... very effective it is too, but not a cure.
  2. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

    @Stevenf   Dont forget to clean your filter... as soon as you start disturbing the gunk - thats the first place it heads for !   Mine was clogged within a day or so during the blitz....
  3. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

    Well, the CO2 has perked up the plants... added a few more fish and so far its manageable.   Seeing the odd patch on the sand, but a blast with the hydrogen peroxide sees it off within hours, so I presume its deep seated within the sand, might stir that up and see what happens - but dont want to...
  4. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

    Here we are a month later, and we are slowly winning !     A second blackout was needed and the KNO3 arrived, so am dosing weekly to 15 ppm and removing any patches that appear. Also adding some liquid fertiliser.   Only issue is that the plants refuse to grow :-(   I assume there's a CO2...
  5. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

    Thanks for the ID guys... vac'd it out best I could, did a 50% water change, and bagged it until Sunday.    Ordered some KNo3 - so fingers crossed AGAIN !!!!!    Wish I had swallowed my pride, and asked months ago before I rampaged down the "algae" line of attack   : - (   Seems Ive wasted some...
  6. Rooster

    Help Please... Algaegeddon !

    Hi, Very close to slitting my wrists here...   In the 40 odd years of wet hands, Ive never experienced this soul destroying situation before...  My tank seems to be haunted by algae !   Been trying for a few months to tackle it myself, but nothing seems to work, and im at my wits end.     The...
  7. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

    You only want 5 ? :rolleyes:
  8. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

  9. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

    Anyone want to make me an offer ?
  10. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

    What you thinking... ?
  11. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

    Couple of pics... and heres a corner at feeding time ! This is a 2 foot tank, with air pump + 2 air filters, heater/stat, plants, plant friendly tube + fitting. £75 takes the LOT - gotta be worth that in shrimp alone ?
  12. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp Colony + Equipment (nottingham)

    Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: Shrimp colony AND supporting equipment ! Age and condition: Couple of years old, very good condition Quantity for sale: One (or dozens !) Reason for Sale: Had enough ! Delivery or Collection: Collection or maybe...
  13. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Very little at the mo, sorry... check back in a month or so !
  14. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    One portion of crypts, and lots of vallis.... loads of shrimp too ;-)
  15. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    As Mike says, you cannot (yet) use the messaging system... so I cannot PM you either ! - sorry.
  16. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    THAT is the sticking point... some folk say "I only wanted 5... " and don't want to pay the postage, but you cant put these things in an envelope ! so I would have to go out and BUY packaging - maybe heat packs AND pay premium postage to ensure next day delivery - thats why I gave up...
  17. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Loads of vallis... maybe ONE portion of crypt'
  18. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Postage IS the sticking point... in the past buyers have taken the mick a little, so now I would prefer collection (or delivery if local) or you could send ME some packaging ?????
  19. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    60p each...
  20. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    LOADS of Vallis, just noticed the cherry shrimp tank is packed.... SHRIMP AVAILABLE TOO !!!!!!
  21. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    ONLY straight vallis and a few crypts left now guys !!! (although this will change in a month or so ! LOL)
  22. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    PM me for details...
  23. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    2-3 portions
  24. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    £3 a pop
  25. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Yes, and YES !!!!!! (although not many of either !) Depends on the plant, how many there are left and demand !!! Generally 4-5 crypts or vallis, a golfball size of riccia or a bucket of duckweed !! LOL I have sent out a carrier bag full before, but I dont have that many tanks now.
  26. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Not sure on exact strain of crypt ! SORRY --perhaps a buyer could enlighten us ? Vallis are various heights, from about an inch to 15 or more...
  27. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    PM'd you ! Yes, £3 all in, thanks
  28. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Have some riccia, crypts and straight vallis... Heres a pic as requested : I REGRET TO ADD THAT COLLECTION IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE
  29. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    What are you after ?>
  30. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    NW near j26...
  31. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    A little Riccia... can take a pic if I must ! :rolleyes:
  32. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Thats great - thanks for letting me know ! Would appreciate a quick note in the thread too ? Thanks again Paul
  33. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Nathan and Adam... youre plants are on the way ! :nod: Please let me know when they arrive safely ? Thanks guys
  34. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    They are green ! In my main tank I dose CO2, but I also have a shrimp tank that gets ZERO ferts, and a pretty low light, and its a jungle in there !!!
  35. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Yep... maybe more ;-) Please can all interested PM or email me for paypal details, thanks
  36. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Time to thin out the tanks again.... Same deal if you want any.
  37. Rooster

    Cheap Diy Lighting

    By FAR the cheapest way (at the moment !) is to nip to an electrical retailer who supplies the local electricians etc - every town has a few :good: and ask for some "florry fittings" Our local one does 4 (and 2, 8 etc) foot fitting WITH a tube for around £10..... a fraction of what the local...
  38. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp For Sale (Nottingham)

    £20 for 30 ?