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  1. Z

    Need Help -fish Has Swollen Belly 1 Side

    We did a water change last night because our nitrates were pretty high. Today I got Woody some gel tek tetracycline gel drops. They didn't have any flaked food. But he won't come up to eat it. He's just resting on the bottom of the tank. It's breaking my heart to watch him! What's even more sad...
  2. Z

    Need Help -fish Has Swollen Belly 1 Side

    Thank you Black Angel for responding to my message! To be honest with you its hard to tell how fast it grew. I work so much the only time I see my fish is when I feed them at night. My tank is located in a small room near my bedroom where I have my computer. I have a 75 gallon tank. It seemed...
  3. Z

    Need Help -fish Has Swollen Belly 1 Side

    Hello, I've had my fish Woody for a little over two years. Not really sure what kind of fish he is. Never seen another fish like him. He looks sort of like a Shebunkin golfish but with very long fins in the backside. He is about 9-10 inches long. Tonight I noticed that one side of his belly...
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  6. Z

    Blue Lobster Companions

    Hello, I have a 75 gallon tank with some goldfish. I bought a blue lobster about six months ago. The pet store clerk said it wouldn't be a problem to keep him in with the fish that I have. There haven't been any problems...until recently. One of my goldfish is missing a big chunk of fin. Are...
  7. Z

    Help, New Tank, Dead Fish

    We still have the same fish as listed in post # 6 -minus the koi fish which passed away. we have two filters running in the tank - an aqua clear 70 and an emporer 400 I just did an ammonia test and it came up yellow -which means good, but I used the last test strip for all the other numbers...
  8. Z

    Help, New Tank, Dead Fish

    Since my last post my koi fish Soon Yee died on 11/11/05. We had a little funeral for her. :( We are still having problems with the tank water. Since 11/11/05 we have been putting only tap water conditioner and salt in to the water after water changes. We have been doing 20 gallon water...
  9. Z

    Help, New Tank, Dead Fish

    Thank you black angel. The white spots don't look like salt though. They look look like fuzzy puss? My water stats are: nitrate 80 ppm nitrite over 10 ppm hardness 25ppm alkalinity 80 ppm ph 7.2 For fish we have : 1 koi 10in (old) 1 shebunkin goldfish 10 in (old) 1 pleco 9in...
  10. Z

    Help, New Tank, Dead Fish

    Since my last post my boyfriend and I have spoken to the fish store employees and read some of the posts on this site. Everyone seemed to have different advice and we were confused on what to do next. We went middle of the road last night. We changed 25% of the water. Added tap water...
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  14. Z

    Help, New Tank, Dead Fish

    I just bought a new tank, 75gal, about 3 weeks ago. I bought the tank because the Koi and Shubunkin I have got too big for my 35gal tank. I also have a Pleco wich is also good size. I was using a Aquaclear 70 filter and with the new tank they assured me that the Emporer 400 would do the job...