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  1. J

    Pink Convict And Firemouths

    its a 30g tank with one rtbs, bronze cat and a moonlight with plants each side a ship and a barrel with to filters.
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    Pink Convict And Firemouths

    have to 2 pink convicts amd 2 firemouths a friend was saying that when they get order they will fight is this true, will i have to think about giving them to someone else?
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    Neon Tetras

    cheers for that, I have some black tetras and they seem fine throught it my be the size, nice 1 Jay.
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    Neon Tetras

    i have 7 neon tetras that i have had for about 4 months but from the very first day i got them they just hide in one off my big plants and swin to the ship every so often and never go about 1cm above the gravel there colours look fine and they are eating, i throught that they like to stay in...
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    Ram With Bulging Eye

    my ram has one bulging eye and the other looks abit funny my water stats are fine and i've had him for about 6 months any ideas what wrong with him and if it can be treated. cheers James.
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    Thanks again genesis and everybody else. I leave cucumber at the bottom of the tank and i think he eats that coz when i wake up in the morning its all gone. He is nearly always looking for food (Some times upside down eating whatever is on the plants very cool) or if hes not doing that then hes...
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    thanks alot kat will do.
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    his diet is flake and blood worm once a month.
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    The tank is about 35 gal with fake plants and hideing places, The water is fine (took to lfs and they did a water check last week when i got some new fish). In the tank there are; 2 moonlight Gouramis 2 rams 4 black tetras 5 neons RTBS Bronse Coy 4 black mollies As i said everyone in the...
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    Hi all, I have a red tail black shark but his/her tail (not sure wot sex it is) is not very red more like a peach colour. A friend of mine has the same type of fish and he was saying that when he turns his light on first thing hes RTBS tail is the same colour, but after 20mins it turns to a...
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    If Water Temp Is To Hot....

    will the fish start to act funny like not swimming as much (rts not really moving as much as normal). i increased the temp because my 2 clown loach have white spot and i was treating them. I went up to my lfs and they did a water test and said my water was fine, and gave me some diffrent...
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    White Spot Will Not Go

    i have brought the best treatment that my lfs has but i just won't go from my clown loachs any ideas.
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    White Spot

    same here one of my clowns have the same thing
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    White Spot

    please help i think some of my fish my have it
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    White Spot

    what does white spot look like?
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    Would I Be Over Crowding My Tank

    I throught fish would only grow as big as there Habitat would let them?
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    Would I Be Over Crowding My Tank

    I will add the extra neon. Do you think there will be many Conflicts between the fish as i've read that red tail sharks can be a bit of a bully towards the other fish and tiger barbs are fin nippers (slower moving fish that is). I would really like to add all of these fish together as i think...
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    Would I Be Over Crowding My Tank

    I am in the process of Receiving a 30 or 35 gallon tank, from my friends dad. He has 2 fully grown moonlight Gouramis and 2 Black neons. Would it be ok to add the following 1 red tail shark 4 to 6 tiger bards 2 kissing Gouramis This will obviously take place after all the procedures have...