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  1. P

    Glass cats at Bournemouth oceanarium

    their gorgeous fish arn't they! they are one of my favourites. :nod:
  2. P

    Glass Catfish

    hey, ive had glass cat fish before and they like to be in a group of at least two as they can get lonley and die of this, they grow to around two inches at the most, they swim in the middle of the tank quite peacefully and eat most foods. I found them to be quite placid and no trouble at all...
  3. P

    How Many Young People Are There Who Have Interest Of Tropical Fish

    hey im 19 and ive been keeping fish since i was about 12 and i love it, i have a small tank in my room full of wonderful fish that i can just look at, im also quite good at breeding, its a wicked hobby to have!! :wub:
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    Advice On Gouramis

    Hey i have had dwarf and honey gouramis, and i have had no trouble with them, the honey ones are very timid and like to hide, i had a pair, what i presume were male and female and they were no trouble with my other fish such as tetras and guppies, they like to hide and like company, probably two...
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    True Breed?

    thank you for your reply, it was because i tried to get them to buy them off me, but they are tight and wont even though they are in excellent condition. I will ring them tomorrow and try to get around them. :)
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    True Breed?

    Hey guys, i hope you can help me out, i have 12 baby guppies who are gorgeous and about a month old, very lively and on adult food now, starting to get colour (yellow and black) the shop i want to sell them to said they only like true breeds, what does this mean? the mother is a blue tail, black...
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    Temperature Too High?

    Hi, i have a fairly old tank, its cycled and contains peaceful fish, but not exceeding the maximum limit. My guppy's gave birth about a month ago and the babies are doing fine. The fish usually thrive in a temp of 28C. This morning when i turned the light on, one of the neon tetras was...
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    Are My Khuli's Breeding?

    well my tank is a hexagonal one, which is 20 litres it was originally set up for goldfish but they kept dying, so i bought a heater and left it for a couple of weeks with nothing in it. It has the temperature set to 26C and i have 2 live plants in there. I bought 4 neon tetras to start off...
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    Are My Khuli's Breeding?

    unfortunatly i cannot get a picture of one because i have black gravel and they live under a bridge, i will keep trying! i dont want to move their hide out just yet. I havent actually done anything special to the Khulis, i have a 20 litre tank with a good filter, they live under a bridge and...
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    Are My Khuli's Breeding?

    yep thats what she looks like, not quite as big as that but she is on the path to look like that Thanks for ur help!
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    When Will My Guppy Give Birth?

    right i think i have this cracked, my guppy is the yellow one, what do you think? :S
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    Are My Khuli's Breeding?

    yes it does, like a pale yellowish/green tint, is that normal?
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    When Will My Guppy Give Birth?

    oh wow thats HUGE!!! :P ok i have taken some pictures hope they work, ah they don't, how do you load pictures?
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    When Will My Guppy Give Birth?

    i have 2 female and 2 male guppies, when i bought the females the other day they were not so big, now one is huge and im desperatly waiting for her to give birth to the fry, does any one know any time specifics as to when she will as she is in a breeding trap at the moment and i dont want to...
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    Are My Khuli's Breeding?

    Hello, im Katy and im new, i have a bit of an issue, i have 2 khuli loaches and i heard its hard for them to breed in aquariums. One of mine is a normal size and weight but the other one is very heavy on the underside with what looks like tiny eggs inside of it. They look sort of yellow and...