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    Filter Media

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    Cold water algae eater.

    Where do you live? Temperatures etc...
  3. S

    External filter < gravel or < water

    In the past I've doubled up my externals into the uplift tubes to increase filtration and available space for bact. colonies but think now that I'm just making extra work. Ext filters are generally superb at keeping water clear although I only use eheim as main filters, don't know too much...
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    Filter Media

    DIY Media I use hair rollers to build up bio filtration. Buy in bulk for good price, smaller slots inside larger and they are full of tiny holes and some covered in velcro for big surface area for bacteria to develop. I need to use floss as a prefilter just to take some of the thicker waste...
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    I'm new

    Hey ho, another newcomer to this forum, although I am registered in a couple of others! I have a few tanks, the largest being a 6ft 500litre set up as a community. I also have a vivarium with rough skinned newts and african dwarf frogs, a few breeding programmes, a lovely big blue crawfish in...