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  1. R

    Nice Site!

    Given the Cory some bacteria control - s/he's looking grim at the bottom but the ulcer's not getting worse. Still alive! so far. :nod:
  2. R

    tank won't "cycle" - how to jump start?

    Shame we can't email water. :blink:
  3. R

    tank won't "cycle" - how to jump start?

    I never used Bio Spira (US only perhaps?) - but it sounds a bit risky to assume it'll work and fix the water just like that. I do agree about taking things from an established tank though. I would chuck in a good dose of StressZyme or one of the other 'passive' chemicals containing millions of...
  4. R

    Nice Site!

    Very good forum. Didn't get much work done today. Just being trying to make sure I'm treating a Bronze Corydoras properly. Got a horrible Ulcer on it's side and is all bloated - swimming mid tank. Stuck him in a hospital tank and gave him a dose so I'll have to wait and see. I suppose any...
  5. R

    Chlorine in water

    All of the tanks I have set up had one thing in common - once full up with heater running etc, everything got covered in bubbles. I think this was the dissolved gas (including chlorine) coming out of the water. Wiping it off sent it to the surface and away and this has only ever happened when a...
  6. R

    TOO H O T !!!!!!!

    Hot tanks... Turn the lights off. Even with heaters unplugged I've had water temperatures up at 86 plus degrees Fahrenheit. The fish don't seem to care for the few days of a British summer and my water gradually went down by about 7 degrees. This has a far greater effect with dual (or more)...