Search results

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    black convicts

    First of all, how many convicts are we dealing with...from what i know, 30gallons should be perfect for a pair of cons.Hope that clears something up ;)
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    30 gallon tank

    what other kinds of fish can i add in the tank?
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    water testing

    i run a 30 gallon cichild tank for about 5 months or so and have never used any kits yet. When the water conditions change and the fish act different i know something's a bit wrong and i do a water change. but the thing is i wana test my water to see how high or how low the levels are..but...
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    water testing

    well whats the differnce between the cheap and the do both of them work exactly? How much would they cost?
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    water testing

    How much do water testing kits cost nowadays?...what should i be looking for in kit?
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    i have these rocks in my backyard...and they have been there for a LONG time..(since the previous owners were here) and i was wondering. CAn i used them for my fish tank....can i just boil it and do a vinegar test ...and if everything's fine, can i put them right in? Or is there something else i...
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    beuaty-spots or damaged tissue?

    i really dont know...i got it from my grandparents along with other convicts..i didnt ask how old they were but he's about 3". umm idk what else to say hope you can help :/
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    beuaty-spots or damaged tissue?

    i own a pink male convict and i looked at it recently and i noticed that it has black spots near its gills and near its not sure it thats natural or something worse...any help? thx
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    Convict Intelligence Quotient

    i too agree with steve-o....whenever i come close to the tank and hold the food canister above the surface of the water and move it left and right, my convict follows it..its funny cause i can do it for like 5 minutes and it will never stop...Also one trick that my convict developed (idk how?)...