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  1. S

    Hey I Need Some Lighting Help

    hey so i recently bought a clarity plus tank off of a guy..the tank hood doesnt have a mount for a ballast or a fixture or has 2 "braces" with four holes in it which appear to hold the actual bulbs? im not really sure how to set it up... here are a couple of pics of what it looks...
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    Help Me

    so this morning, i discovered that my other oscar had!...but i did the 50% water change, upped the temp, and added salt...and now the water is crystal clear, and the fish seem to be a lot happier and less stressed out. thanks soooo much -sean
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    Help Me

    ok will do...and as far as the bacterial bloom? i just keep the airation up, and the temp as well?...and what about my fish swimming around everywhere? what does this mean? im sorry to be such a pain with all my just really stressed out over all of this..hope to hear from u...
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    Help Me

    no its a neptune submersable heater by marineland..i will toss in more airation...will this bloom kill my fish..or should i just put in more airation and wait it out?...what are the symptoms of whitespot? cause i did notice like 2 or 3 tiiiny spots on the pike...but ths might be nothing...ive...
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    Help Me

    ok, so i have a kinda long story to tell u before i ask my question...ok so i have a 45 gallon tank with 2 small oscars, a small shovelnose cat, and a small pike cichlid(i know this tank is too small for these fish when full grown, but dont worry i am saving money as we speak for a 180gal)...but...
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    Tiger Shovelnose Feeding Question

    thanks a lot i will try this and let u know how it goes... -sean
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    Tiger Shovelnose Feeding Question

    i have a shovelnose catfish that is currently about 8 inches long and is healthy...he is eating goldfish as of now, however i want to ween him off of the live and get him on something healthier since i know feeding live can cause all sorts of fish the question i had was how can i...
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    green terror living up to his name!

    ya so my green terror that ive had for a while, and had no problems with, has all of a sudden become extremely violent towards my tiger oscar that is about the same size as it...i was forced to take the green terror out of the tank for fear it would kill my oscar, and it is now it a ten gallon...
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    help! my wolffish has a fugus

    hahah i guess that cooooooould help...thanks a lot
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    help! my wolffish has a fugus

    im not sure what type of fungus it is though, i tossed in an ick guard tablet for now, do u think this will do the job, or should i try somehting else....if so, would u recommend anything?
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    help! my wolffish has a fugus

    so as i was feeding my fish this morning i noticed that my wolffish has developed a sort of milky-looking white coating, of what looks like a fungus on its head and sides of very nervous because i dont know what to do...and can anybody please help me, i dont want my fish to die. thanks