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  1. B

    Multiple fish from LFS have same symptoms and soon dead

    Thank you, this is great advice. The fish looked ok to me in the tank, and the guy caught them fairly quickly, but I didn’t watch him carefully or check them in the container. The salt was just a quick thought to potentially help with the swim bladder issue in the apisto.
  2. B

    Multiple fish from LFS have same symptoms and soon dead

    i shouldn’t have said pure, I just meant I didn’t put anything in it but salt, but it was tap water, which locally has some hardness and plenty of minerals. It’s the only local store within a half hour, but there are others not too far away. This store just has great reviews in general and like...
  3. B

    Multiple fish from LFS have same symptoms and soon dead

    This has happened to me in three different species of fish (generally one of each, the rest have been fine) all from different tanks at the store, and two different purchases. Just today I picked up three apistos and 8 otos. When I got home an oto was already dead, and kind of looked crooked, or...
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