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  1. DormantGlasses_22

    my 10 gal planted tank 1 month later

    yupp, definitely getting a nerite to clean all that! I have to answer 'no' to the first two questions though. I haven't used any fertilizers, there's only a 1.5" soil under the sand (vermicast + garden soil + organic potting mix) The plants aren't showing any signs of deficiencies so far...
  2. DormantGlasses_22

    my 10 gal planted tank 1 month later

    Day 1 - first set up Day 19 - plant growth, added leaves, twigs, and new plants (Polysperma, Limnophila, Pothos) Day 21 - Added floating plants (Salvinia Natans) Day 38 - Plant overgrowth, visible tannins, explosion of life (current tank pic is a little blurry, got diatoms all over the glass)
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  7. DormantGlasses_22

    Is getting Hygrophila Angustifolia a good idea?

    This is my planted 10 gal, and I'm planning on moving the H.Polysperma + Limnophila Sessiliflora on the back-right side somewhere else, and replacing it with Hygrophila Angustifolia instead. Your thoughts on this? The original plants weren't filling up as much space as I thought they would, I...
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  9. DormantGlasses_22

    Questions about sand and substrates

    Back when I was setting up my planted 10 gal, I didn't really do much research regarding substrate and sand cap. I thought most sand is fine as long as they're nontoxic, and inert. So I bought 7 kilograms/15 pounds of silica sand since it was labeled as "chemically inert" and topped off 1" of...
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  12. DormantGlasses_22

    What are your experiences/takes on honey gouramis?

    That's a logical take, I guess aggression, a little bit of fighting, peaceful, and other behaviors from any fish species will always be there and unavoidable when it comes to breeding, territory, or other.
  13. DormantGlasses_22

    What are your experiences/takes on honey gouramis?

    While I was looking for fish to add to my 10gal a few days back, Honey Gouramis were mentioned quite a few times. I looked pass it as I already have better fish options for my tank. But I thought it would be appropriate to get my questions out here just for the sake of learning more about the...
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  15. DormantGlasses_22

    new member

    Hello everybody, I was notified that I can post here to introduce myself. Somewhat of a beginner in the hobby, but I've had a few tanks in the past, I do alot of research on fish that I plan on taking care of. My main interests are freshwater fishes of Asia, Southeast Asia, my favorites being...