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  1. B

    Early Columnaris?? Please help my guppies!!

    Thanks for the detailed response @Colin_T . Here's a pic of the tank: The tank is a 20 gal, measuring 60cm*36cm, water level at 40cm. I consider the pleco the main character, so I'm very weary about adding salt. He's only around 6-7 inches long. There is no black "stuff" in the gravel...
  2. 5e620fd325591390ed20a2f5b8614d114518c591817ead6a4eae9bbc7822980a.jpg


  3. ad4af6f912a059c10c4a6d584a07ebe9baedb4ad7f7145d46e96a64bc4fc08ba.jpg


  4. fa24dde8c24db44e3b3d9ebe2faaae6f4dce9eac6b15cf37e1e9a04a9c63b67d.jpg


  5. 93d165c9c20f2d1226a7954bd6d3c82a4830f5c9223674135123a32bf3d61708.jpg


  6. B

    I'm New!

    Wow! Nice collection! :)
  7. B

    Hello everybody

    Just wanted to say how grateful I am. I always struggle with finding advice for my fish. Only hours after joining, I've already gotten a reply from a very helpful member. What a helpful community this is. I really appreciate it!
  8. B

    Early Columnaris?? Please help my guppies!!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate the insight. I usually do a ~30% change every week, but I had a feeling it wasn't enough. I've started medicating via food, and I'm going to put in extra water changes this week. What do you think about the white spots on...
  9. B

    Early Columnaris?? Please help my guppies!!

    Hello all. A couple of days ago, I noticed a guppy with small, raised, white growths near the base of her pectoral fins, as well as what looked like dead white skin on the rim of her eyes. I isolated her immediately. The day after, another guppy showed the same symptoms near the eyes. It could...