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  1. F

    33g Oceanic Cube - Complete Saltwater Setup!

    We're moving, and unfortunately need to sell our saltwater setup. It's an Oceanic 33g cube that includes the following... like-new Coralife light, Tunze skimmer/filter (not running now, just needs to be cleaned), in-tank refugium with small powerhead, Hydor Koralia 1 powerhead, Hydor Koralia 2...
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    What Is My Green Stopped Puffer Doing?

    A hydrometer will be fine for a brackish tank. No brackish fish requires the accuracy of a refractometer, you just need to get the salinity in the right ballpark.
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    American Football

    Minnesota Miami NY Jets Houston Detroit Baltimore Dallas Carolina Seattle San Diego Pitt Indy Philly New England
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    American Football

    Detroit NY Jets New England Baltimore St. Louis Pitt Indy Green Bay Minnesota Cleveland Denver Cincinnati Washington Carolina Dallas Tennessee
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    American Football

    Pittsburgh Houston Jacksonville New Orleans Green Bay St. Louis Cincinnati Indy Minnesota Dallas Seattle Baltimore Denver Chicago San Diego Philly
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    Meet Miles

    Here he is... 14 weeks old.
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    American Football

    Ok, here we go... Winners in bold. New Orleans at Indy Philly at Green Bay KC at Houston Denver at Buffalo Pittsburgh at Celeveland Carolina at St. Louis Atlanta at Minnesota New England at NY Jets Miami at Washington Tennessee at Jacksonville Chicago at San Diego Tampa at Seattle Detroit at...
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    American Football

    Ya, I don't like the away team points thing for people that don't enter their bets either. What if Indy is playing at Arizona (because someone laughably claimed they are contenders), that's not fair... Anyway, I'll post my bets tomorrow probably.
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    Sports chat from profession topic in marine

    I think it's kind of a chicken and egg argument. If soccer was more popular, better American athletes would participate, and the US would get a lot better. If they got better before it got popular, you'd still have to contend with sports that already have a huge media base in the US (football...
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    American Football

    I'll participate, but I want to make sure we're picking winners, and not against the spread. Is that correct?
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    Sports chat from profession topic in marine

    It's a little unfair to imply Americans are the only ones using steroids. I tend to approach every sport (with the exception of basketball) with the idea that most players are on steroids. Just look at the most recent Tour de France. Endurance is huge, and the steroids obviously really help...
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    Sports chat from profession topic in marine

    Which is because the rules are different, and the Olympics are an afterthought for most American players. And it also involves them moving overseas, not to mention, when is the last time you saw a top tier American soccer player? There aren't any, because they don't have good competition to...
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    Sports chat from profession topic in marine

    For the first two pages I had no clue what this thread was actually about, other than trying to draw Americans offsides to engage in a ridiculous debate. To address some of the topics brought up... The World Series can be called that because major league baseball is the highest level of...
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    High School Musical 2!

    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Disney movies aren't government mandated, parents aren't forced to show them to their children. So the only people that would do any pushing would be parents, choosing to show these movies to their kids.
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    Barry Bonds Break Record

    I can't take you seriously until you quit using a Q in Mark McGuire's name. Aside from that, he is a hall of famer. He was a hall of famer before the alleged steroids, and he is a hall of famer now. The baseball writers have a right to keep him out, but they shouldn't. Other people in the...
  16. F

    Barry Bonds Break Record

    Uh... they have that. And please, people, it's Mark McGuire, there is no Q in his name. I still say if everyone is cheating (and it seems that at least most people are), then it pretty much levels the playing field. In addition, Bonds was a hall of famer before the home run explosion, so I'm...
  17. F

    Barry Bonds Break Record

    I was in the car, listening to it on the radio, and it did make me smile. If I had been there, I would have cheered. The thing is, yes, he's probably using steroids (or at least did use steroids in the past), but so did a lot of other people. I mean, how appropriate was it that the pitcher he...
  18. F

    What Wii Titles Have You Played?

    I haven't played many... Wii Sports is of course great, although I quickly gave up on boxing. Monkey Ball is great. The mini games are really hit and miss, but there are so many of them, it doesn't matter. I'm also going to go ahead and disagree about Mario Party. I've played all the Mario...
  19. F

    Anyone Ever Seen. . . .

    I used to go to the DCI competitions when I was in high school, and we all loved them. However, after high school, I know a couple people who went joined Phantom, and they weren't very good (the people, not Phantom). So I'm not sure how easy it is to get in, but I think I lost a little bit of...
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    Dining At Home With New Friends?

    So, you want to start a swingers club?
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    I Hate Harry Potter

    It's a matter of personal taste... There's no reason to put down people that like them (and I don't), or say they're a waste of time and worthless.
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    A Challenge To Checkers Players

    You have no idea what the researchers that created this program do to contribute to soceity in what you think is a meaningful way. You say you give monthly to cancer research, but maybe they do too. The fact is, projects like this may seem to have no practical purpose, but they're developing...
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    A Challenge To Checkers Players

    Your argument is still silly. They weren't doing this just because they felt like wasting their time, they were doing it to improve their problem solving skills. It was a project that should allow them to do more advanced things in the future, that probably will help people.
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    A Challenge To Checkers Players

    toppman, your argument is a little silly. First, these are obviously not medical researches, so if they spent the same amount of time researching a cure for cancer, they wouldn't have gotten very far. Second, you say they are good minds, but are they? Most likely they're just beginning their...
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    More Jawfish Mischief

    Funny you should ask about the light... It's a 45w 50/50 light, so it's not powerful at all. I'm only keeping mushrooms and a couple other soft corals (daisy polyps and star polyps), and all are doing really well. I've thought about getting something like a 96w light, but right now I don't...
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    More Jawfish Mischief

    Here's the tank: Here's the jawfish: Halfway in his hole: And giving me the stink eye:
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    More Jawfish Mischief

    I see I have some questions... First, people do say 4-5" of sand, and not fine sand, but it needs to have some bigger chunks in it as well. I agree with the bigger chunks part, and I have this sand. As for the 4-5" part, yes and no. Your jawfish will need that much sand to build his home...
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    More Jawfish Mischief

    I love watching my pearly jawfish, he's so odd, always up to something, and always looking so unhappy that he's having to do it. This morning, after the fish were fed, I noticed that he was messing with one of the shells that was buried and makes up part of his home. He ended up knocking it...
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    Food For Gsp

    Mine likes everything sabby mentioned, and in addition, try out some clams on the half shell. Mine loves them, and it's fun to watch him eat them.
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    Vacation Pictures

    Just got back from vacation, and just got a couple pictures uploaded (the first of many)... I like them, so wanted to post them here. I might post a few more if there's any interest. First, a view from the Eiffel Tower Next, a view of the Eiffel Tower, at night
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    Saltwater Fun

    I'm pretty sure that was a different star fish... This one is supposed to eat a very thing layer of algae, that you can't really see, and only tanks that have been up at least six months have. We'll see how long that lasts... But anyway, I did see something on Discovery that had a very large...
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    Saltwater Fun

    Along with the jawfish and seahorse, I've got a sixline wrasse and citrine goby. I'll probably add a firefish, maybe another seahorse after a while. Here's a full tank shot.
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    Saltwater Fun

    Thanks for the comments everyone... Andy, ya, I've heard that, I'm hoping I'll have a different experience, but who knows. I don't feel too bad buying one, because the store always has them, and from what I've seen, they're usually bought for tanks smaller than mine (and mine isn't even that big).
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    Do Panthers Exist

    Yes, listen to geo... The panther is a real animal, it just might also be called a jaguar or leopard, depending on where you live.
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    Saltwater Fun

    Here are a few new pictures from tonight... First, our new daisy polyp rock. Next up, our pearly jawfish looking a little angry that the starfish is invading his space. Uh oh, the jawfish isn't happy... This isn't a great picture, but hopefully you can tell what's going on :) I normally...
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    Do Panthers Exist

    There isn't a real answer to this. It's just a common name for a variety of big cat that varies by region.
  37. F

    Do Panthers Exist

    A panther is not a specific cat, rather a leopard or jaguar, and is used regionally, but since it's just a common name, then they do exist. leopard and jaguar are also common names, so I don't see why we can't say that a panther is an actual being. Aside from that, Panther is definitely real...
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    Tales Of A Jawfish

    CRAB IN THE HOLE! Beaker loves shells. We got a half dozen extra shells for our crabs, and I think two crabs got shells, the rest went to Beaker. He has fortified his home with a solid wall of shells that is surprisingly strong. They're buried in the sand, stacked on top of each other...
  39. F

    Tales Of A Jawfish

    Meet Beaker, the pearly jawfish... He shares his home with a seahorse, a citrine goby, a rainford's goby, and a marble starfish. We've had him for three or four months, and he has provided hours of entertainment. In those months, we have several funny stories about things he has done, so I...
  40. F

    Seahorses & Pipefish

    Tank mates with seahorses aren't as hard as you might think. I've got a 33g cube with two captive bred seahorses, a pearly jawfish, a rainford's goby, and a citrine goby. We feed frozen mysis twice a day (in the morning and at night), and the seahorses have no problem getting enough to eat...