Search results

  1. H


    Thanks so much! I will stick with this site and seriously fish for my research from now on :)
  2. H


    Okay thank you! I have been doing around 20% weekly, but will start to up that from now on :)
  3. H


    Thank you - I feel like between working and looking after my 6 year old daughter and my 6 month old son, all I do research all things fish/general aquarium related 😅 I feel both pretty clued up on things and also completely overwhelmed and clueless at the same time. I'll check out seriously fish...
  4. H


    Hello, Thanks for the reply! Dimensions - 105cm x 40cm x 60cm I live in a hard water area and when measuring the water in my tank, it is - GH 200, KH around 200, PH 8 (high I know) With the fish etc I already have, I'm pretty sure I can only have smallish community fish etc in the tank? I...
  5. H


    Thank you! :) It's not perfect but it's ok for now!
  6. H


    Hello! Thanks so much for your message and advice :) Oh wow - 50% every few days?! My LFS told me 20% weekly 😶 I'll up my water changes then - thanks!
  7. H


    Hi all! I'm a newbie to all of this but loving it so far! I have a 252 litre freshwater tank (66ish US gallons?) It's fully cycled and has been up and running for about 3 months now. As of this morning - Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20 Temp - 24 degrees celsius I currently have in...