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  1. S

    What plywood thickness do I need to help support my aquaria?

    I've been planning a rack of aquaria for a while now. I'm going to use a Uline widespan wire rack with wood laid over the shelves to better distribute the weight. My original plan involved large tanks supported by sections of "two by" lumber laid across the rack. Since then, I've revised my...
  2. ZKMxB1F.png


  3. S

    What are the challenges and limitations of "no fertilizer" planted tanks?

    I included a list of species of interest in my response to Magnum Man. I notice some overlaps between plants I want and the plants you've been growing. Do you think they would do well in my water chemistry? Any thoughts on any of the others? I like your "natural selection" based approach and...
  4. S

    What are the challenges and limitations of "no fertilizer" planted tanks?

    I've attached a printout on my water chemistry and compiled a list of species of interest. Surface floaters: Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and red root floaters (Phyllanthus fluitans). Background plants: Yellow Flame Bacopa (B. caroliniana), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), Elodea...
  5. water params cropped.png

    water params cropped.png

  6. S

    What are the challenges and limitations of "no fertilizer" planted tanks?

    I've heard a lot about people setting up aquaria to function as miniature ecosystems that can function with few artificial inputs like fertilizer. This naturalistic approach to fishkeeping appeals to me a lot more than relying on expensive products, frequent maintenance, and "artificial life...