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  1. C

    Xanax dip in new timid fish ethicality?

    what do you think about dip a new fish in a bucket of dechlorinated water filled with diluted xanax in order to make them negates stress and make them more active and acclimate faster in the new environment? according to this ...
  2. C

    Xanax in fish tank

    Xanax is quite hard to get if you don't have mental illness or something similar, maybe i will use Xanax on my own fish to make them more active, increase appetite, and acclimate a lot faster or stop the hiding behavior :)
  3. C

    Xanax in fish tank

    not entirely same effect, xanax usually makes human feel sleepy and less active with relaxed feeling and negates stress with less heart rate and breathing frequency and reduction in motivation to do anything. but still hilarious. yeah, no problem about dry mouth, i own the medication but the...
  4. C

    Xanax in fish tank

    my relative family member put a diluted Xanax into my fish tank. the juvenile fish is now a lot more active, no timidness, less shy, stop hiding, and become fearless to everything (it was hiding behind rocks all the time and scared of me when before xanax introduced). and i got the fish from the...