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  1. Ortegai

    JBL filter leaking - replacement suggestions?

    Definitely consider the Eheim as parts are well supported, there are hobbyists that have Eheim running in excess of 10 years. I used to own a 2213 Classic that ran very well, I had plecos in that gallon till I retired it.
  2. Ortegai

    Today's a new day.

    Have you priced a canister filter for the 90L cube yet? Vebas is a honest and long running business - it's been around for a long time and I did visit the shop many times while I was living in Murdoch.
  3. Ortegai

    Juvenile - my guess a month old Ortegai Apisto

    I feed Bug Bites as well - they are the best flake money can buy and I have a friend that also swears that worms( black or blood) give Apistos bloat. I’m trying bbs and flake and Hikari micro pellets on this pair and hope they condition well for spawning.
  4. Ortegai

    Juvenile - my guess a month old Ortegai Apisto

    What kind of diet do you put your cf ortegai Pebas on currently? I assume they are wild caught and are harder to feed commercially available foods. I agree the ortegai Papagei are very pretty but we can't get hold of that variety in Australia.
  5. Ortegai

    Juvenile - my guess a month old Ortegai Apisto

    I had them breed for me in 2019, the colors I got from the wild pair were stunning. The young were in hues similar to dad, blue, red and purple. Gorgeous fish.
  6. Ortegai

    Juvenile - my guess a month old Ortegai Apisto

    Hi I've just acquired a youngish pair of Ortegai off a breeder in Sydney last weekend. I suffered a almighty scare when I fed live blackworm to the newly acquired fish, 2 hours later they were both breathing heavily at hovering at the water surface. First thing was to isolate them in my...
  7. Ortegai

    Hello all!

    They're slowly growing on me, I got this pair from a breeder and the male is just 3cm / female 2cm. Apistos aren't easy to keep, but once you have the right parameters, they just thrive. They eat nothing but baby brine shrimp and will ignore anything that comes out of a packet or canister for...
  8. Ortegai

    Hello all!

    Thanks guys for the welcome, I've kept apistos for *geez* I'm getting old, around 20 years on and off. They've got me hooked on aquariums - lucky I've got a very understanding partner that supports me in the hobby. Breeding apistos is my goal with each species I get. Australia has some very...
  9. Ortegai

    Hello all!

    G'day from Australia! I am primarily a fish hobbyist in my spare time ever since I sold my sports car; fish keeping is a fantastic past time and I've got a bit more time now that I have swopped careers at work. Cars used to be a passion and that kept me busy for the last 15 years. I try to...