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  1. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Plants are going well. Adding sand from my local beach a little at a time. Have ordered a new light as this one is awful.
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  3. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Cheap 3quid strip of LEDs off ebay. :D
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    So I've abandoned the diy co2 in favour of a more relaxed, lower tech approach. Here's a little update on the growth; The water is now looking pretty crystal with a hint of tannin yellow. I have 5 cherry barbs, 5 pygmy corys and I've just added two of my best looking endlers from another...
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  12. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    A very strange algae(?) has appeared. It looks like mist and sits two inches off the ground, strerching to the back of the tank. weird.
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Cory's have been patrolling non stop in groups.
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    I made a fitted lid out of garden roofing plastic as the evap was ridiculous. Unfortunately it makes the tank quite dark and really accentuates the 'green' 😅 Maybe I need a better light...
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  19. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Ammonia blip gone today. Nitrites minimal, nitrates zero. Plants doing their jobs. Did a 15% water change anyway to remove dead matter, uneaten food, etc. Purchased and added 5 pygmy corydoras. Bit early for them but saw them at lfs and have never seen them in Stock before and couldn't...
  20. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Just over a week in and I'm seeing growth, particularly with the pearl weed on the right and the stem plants on the left. Water is a bit green. Lights are set to 6hrs. Sponge filter runs at night only to allow for effective diy co2 during the day. I'm going 8 litres water changes every...
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  22. W

    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    So for my 180L I should have 3 bubbles per second apparently. I have 1. So I feel good that I have two other bottles running on cheap airstones making tiny bubbles. Hopefully I'm somewhere around the money.
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    I do actually have the checker. I'm not sure I rate it though. It seems to be yellow regardless of what's going on. I filled the tank, put it in and pushed it halfway down and within minutes it was yellow...
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    Absolutely I run an airpump at night. I'm currently running 3 bottles all with 3 diffusers. Not exactly true mist so I'm not sure of overdosing is really possible but who knows.
  25. W

    Does this cherry barb look deformed? (& sick)

    Hi all, My new 180L planted tank has had 6 cherry barbs in it for a few days. One of them looks weird and is now lying at the bottom of the tank shuffling around every now and again. It's hard to tell in the photo but to me he doesn't have that normal rounded fishy underbelly, and I wonder...
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  29. W

    Water company replacing pipe

    This looks like a good solution to me. I use water from my distiller. It's not RO but it's pretty close to the same result. I add minerals (shrimp GH+KH+ its called I think). You may or may not need to do the same.
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    Water company replacing pipe

    I wonder if you could store water now? Maybe just enough to get you through a month if you find the tap water going foul. (This is where you tell me you own 20 tanks..)
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    Advice please on tanks

    I think you're just talking past me. I doubt we have any major disagreement. Sand will work but not 'on its own' (ferts for instance are one way of supporting it) and certainly not at a shallow depth. Some carpeting plants for instance may not be very good at taking from the water column. As...
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    Advice please on tanks

    Siphon all the water out and then recruit someone to help lift it down. Once you've redone the ground, lift it back up and fill it. Be careful!
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    Advice please on tanks

    Understood. Honestly I think the best thing you could do (especially with live plants) is give them a decent amount of dirt to root into. Unfortunately that would mean redo-ing the tank but it would be beneficial not only for the plants but for the filtration of your tank. In fact, you'll...
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    Advice please on tanks

    How deep is the substrate on both and of what are they composed?
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    The Arch - My messy journey to a 180L planted paradise

    I read somewhere that DiY yeast method co2 is no good for a big tank. Then I read a big long thing about one guys adventure of proving that wrong. He used all kinds of tricks and equipment to wire a fancy contraption. I decided just to double up. Has to he better than nothing, I suppose! I...
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