Search results

  1. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Please help ID this baby snail and some tiny, white creatures...

    Donya, We think you might be onto something there. We'll let you know as they grow if they are definitely that fun invasive species, and your time and knowledge are greatly appreciated!
  2. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Please help ID this baby snail and some tiny, white creatures...

    Hello, all! So, we ordered some small blue velvet shrimp and two Japanese trapdoor snails from Aqua Huna. Unfortunately, the snails arrived dead, but the shrimp were all fine. I integrated them in a cycled shrimp-only tank and then eventually removed the snails after no motion for 48 hours...
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  6. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Could someone help ID this?

    Thank you all for your time and careful consideration. So, if the betta is already in a 1-gallon quarantine tank that has been dosed with Jungle Fungus Clear, Fritz Coppersafe, and API Melafix at their appropriate doses for a tank of that size, is it safe to also dose the quarantine tank with...
  7. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Could someone help ID this?

    Hello, our female betta always had a version of this white material on her scales since she was purchased. It is localized to her head. She is otherwise very healthy, as is the tank she's in. Does anyone know what this is or how to treat? I have these available: Jungle Fungus Clear Fritz...
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  10. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Help to ID an unhealthy growth

    Colin, thanks for the advice. It is much appreciated. - Greg & Jess
  11. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Help to ID an unhealthy growth

    Hello. We've had 3 cories for a while in a very healthy, planted, and well-cycled tank. One started to develop a growth on its gill, and it does not look fungal (i.e. no fuzzy texture). This was about 2 weeks ago. Since then, we have quarantined it and have treated the water with the following...
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