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  1. Ameris

    Shrimp disappeared

    Something similar happened to me recently, my 40+ neos just evaporated and it’s been weeks and I have to sign of them.
  2. Ameris

    Fish recommendations?

    With all due respect I’m gonna be so fr I can’t do that, I’m 1. Not advanced like that, this is my second tank ever, 2. A minor and I can’t drive legally 3. Don’t know what most of that means. I’m really trying to get recommendations based on tank size, current inhabitants, basic parameters...
  3. Ameris

    Fish recommendations?

    I have a ten gallon, vertical (which causes issues). It’s cycled, planted, and has seven albino glowlight tetras in it at the moment. I’m looking for a centerpiece non schooling fish. My mind automatically goes to betta, but I already have one in another tank. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to get...
  4. Ameris

    Weird brown/gray fluffy growths?

    If it helps the tank is far from new, it hasn’t had any issues recently. I’ll be testing water when I get home.
  5. Ameris

    Weird brown/gray fluffy growths?

    No idea what these are but they’re ugly and I’m worried they’ll hurt my fish.growing on the moss ^^ also growing on plants and filter/heater. Any ideas?
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  8. Ameris

    Word Association Game

  9. Ameris

    🐶 POTM VOTE NOW - March 2024 Pet of the Month Contest

    Eeeee, this is my first contest I’m entering! I’m going to share Cupid, my campbell’s dwarf/winter white hybrid hamster.He’s very dear to me and I’ve had him for his whole life. He’s nearing two years in age, so he’s getting pretty old. Unfortunately we probably don’t have much more time left...
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  11. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    And I have school today too. Definitely a rough day. He was gone in 10 minutes though, so it was quick, and he isn’t suffering anymore.
  12. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    I woke up this morning and he was having issues again. Swimming upside down, going limp and floating around, gasping for air again. My best theory is that he has some kind of brain damage. I euthanized him this morning.
  13. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Will do, he seems fine this morning.
  14. Ameris

    Paludarium Prep?

    Oh neat! Paludariums are so beautiful, I’m obsessed.
  15. Ameris

    Paludarium Prep?

    I’ve been daydreaming about a paludarium for a while now. I was thinking a 20 gallon, long tank, with rocky islands in the middle? Maybe stock it with loaches and some simple schooling fish? I’ve never done anything like a paludarium before. Can you keep tiny crabs in there? How do you keep the...
  16. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Finally just had time to post this update, and it’s a weird one. The fish is suddenly fine. Like, flipped back over, not gasping for air kind of fine. He isn’t eating, and he’s staying towards the edges of the tank, but he’s much better. I’m not sure what to do next, to be honest. Celebrate? Worry?
  17. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Picking up clove oil at the pharmacy now.
  18. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Awww noooo 😭 poor little guy. Maybe I should go out and buy some clove oil? I don’t want him suffering.
  19. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Does he?! I feed them once each day, brine shrimp and flakes. I don’t want to over feed them, so I’ve been worried. The others look fine I think? Aaahhhh my poor little guy :(
  20. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Here’s a photo of him right now.not only is he struggling to swim normally, he also appears that he’s gasping for breath.
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  23. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    My issue isn’t that they’re playing, that would be fine and dandy. My problem is that they seem injured/distressed. Once they get off the moss they float around limply for up to five minutes. It’s been hours since I got this specific guppy off the moss and he’s still swimming upside down. I...
  24. Ameris

    Mystery guppy issues/behavior

    Put simply, what the heck is going on with my guppies? They’re these cute little gold tuxedo guppies (6-8 adults, not exactly sure, ~5 babies) that I got from a breeder friend in January. They’ve never had issues before, but suddenly they’re acting very off. They had (just moved it) this moss...
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  26. Ameris

    Fin color comparison!

    Mmm if I did my math correctly, around seven weeks?
  27. Ameris

    Fin color comparison!

    Thought this was neat. It’s the difference between when I got my betta and how he looks now. When I got him: Now:I feel like his fins have grown and they’re obviously more red. I was worried about the tip of his dorsal fin but I’m thinking it’s just because of age, as his water parameters are...
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  30. Ameris

    Betta/shrimp tank re-scape!

    I’m not sure what kind of rock it is, unfortunately. It’s brown and VERY porous which makes me wonder if it’s some volcanic rock, but I told the guy at the store my water parameters and he said it should be fine. As for the size I will admit it looks pretty tiny with the rock in there, but there...
  31. Ameris

    Betta/shrimp tank re-scape!

    So happy about this, it looks great imo, big improvement. I bought this tank for $30 off of Craigslist in January. It came with the filter, plants, and shrimp (15 orange neocaridina). Three of the shrimp are soon to have babies, I have three corydora pandas in there, and a betta. This is how I...
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  34. Ameris

    Guppy tank remodel + new friends!

    Finally got my paycheck and took a trip to the fish store, also known as heaven for me! Picked up some stuff to re-scape my betta/shrimp tank and some little things to add to the guppy tank, along with ten new friends! Here’s the guppy tank. Before:Kinda boring, feels really empty. Now:I think...
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  37. Ameris

    Shrimp babies?

    Fascinating, I had no idea! Thank you.
  38. Ameris

    Shrimp babies?

    Awesome, thank you!
  39. Ameris

    Shrimp babies?

    Turns out two of my orange neocaridina shrimp have eggs. Does anybody know how long gestation time is and what I can expect when they’re laid?
  40. Ameris

    Shrimp and Cory Photos

    So cute <3