Search results

  1. B

    Strawberry Rasboras bullying Phoenix Rasboras

    I have got a 5 gallon tank, with tons of plants and I have 7 phoenix rasbora, and 3 strawberry rasbora (asked for 5 phoenix and 5 strawberry at LFS, but they gave me the wrong fish and didn’t notice till I got home) I have had this tank set up with fish for about 2 months, and recently I noticed...
  2. B

    Does this look like a healthy tank?

    Yeah, I will buy some liquid fertilizer. I also tested my water parameters and everything is right where it needs to be. Thank you!!
  3. B

    Does this look like a healthy tank?

    Hi! This is my first fish tank, it’s a heavily planted 7 gallon, and for stocking I have some snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and 10 phoenix and strawberry Rasbora. I feed them everyday a little pinch of fish flakes, and about 1-2 times a week I give them brine shrimp. I have had this tank setup for...
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