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  1. 20240710_120153.jpg


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    ramshorns mating.

    whats that red thing on the top snail's top left? vid
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    African dwarf frog

    congrads to you and soup. In hindsight I should of entered mt adf's started with 4 and after they had babies I gave away over 70 and ended up with 12 now they are cute but the tads are pretty neat esp afyer a few weeks when their eyes look like they are glowing.btw mine love white...
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    3D printer

    this site has some free plans , a friend of mine printed this for me...
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    3D printer

    its hard output used to make an airlift pump. the stl file would need to be changed if you don't have access to metric pvc pipe since the pvc dia fitting for it I believe is in metric. but the site looks good if you can find a free file to mess with
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    3D printer

    has anyone printed one of these a friend tried for me but the holes never printed. he used a filament printer...wonder if the hole diameter is just too small for that type of printer
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    african dwarf frog sex distribution

    hi does anyone know the % male vs male for eggs hatched. I bought 5 frogs and only 1 is a female. would like separate her and give her a few female mates, since everday some male is riding her...thx