Search results

  1. M

    Silver dollars... specifically Metynnis Fasciatus

    Yep had them for years and still like them, great looking fish
  2. M

    Silver dollars... specifically Metynnis Fasciatus

    Hi I've got two Tiger stripes amongst my other dollars that are approx 6''. I've tried plants a couple of times ((Java fern and anubias) and both times the plants have been destroyed within a day or two. Hope this helps
  3. M

    New tank question

    Hi This will depend on what sand you have used if it aquarium sand then it should be ok to run the filter as it doesn't take long to settle. If it's playsand that you have used and the tank isn't stocked then I'd let the sand settle overnight if possible, checking that when you do turn it on...
  4. M

    Oscar’s in 55 gallon tank

    No it's not true that fish will only grow to fit the aquarium that they are in. What tends to happen is that fish will have their growth stunted which will lead to deformities. I personally think that 4 Oscars would ideally be in 6'x2'x2' aquarium.
  5. M

    Word Association Game

  6. M

    Fish Filter Suddenly Stopped Working

    I wouldn't worry about it with just those two fish in there I would say that the sponge filter that you say is still running should be more than adequate to filter your tank
  7. M

    What are Some Easy to Grow Aquarium Plants?

    Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping Moss' is easy to grow. So I've been told. At least I hope it is as I've just added it to my tank. 🤞
  8. M

    What are you doing today?

    Today I visited Wharf Aquatics to pick up some more Oscars for my main Tank and some Otocinclus for one of my smaller tanks :fish:
  9. M

    Best fish to breed for someone getting back into hobby

    You could try breeding neolamprologus brevis, (Shell dwellers) Very easy to breed, you'll soon have a tank full and with the right aquascape it can make a very impressive display.
  10. M

    New on here (so hope I'm doing this right)

    Hi Guys and thanks for the welcomes. Will post some pics over the weekend :)
  11. M

    Word Association Game

  12. M

    New on here (so hope I'm doing this right)

    Hi everyone. Am looking forward to being a part of this forum. I'm from Nottingham, UK and have been in this hobby for over 40 years. the current aquariums and stock I have are... 7ft x 2ft x 2ft 795L with Oscars, Severum, Lemon fin barbs, Tinfoil Barbs, Silver Dollars and clown Loaches 2x...