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  1. S

    Breeding box for Platty

    Perfect, many thanks.
  2. S

    Breeding box for Platty

    Many thanks. I do have plants but I'll stock up a bit and just let nature take its course I guess. Will any of the fry make it?
  3. S

    Breeding box for Platty

    Thanks for your response, I'll take your advice.
  4. S

    Breeding box for Platty

    Hi all, I couldn't find a thread to address this so here goes. I have a pregnant Platty and I want to move her to a breeding box to try and save some fry. There are many breeding boxes on Amazon, mostly with mixed reviews. Does anyone have a box that they have used with Plattys, and that they...
  5. S

    5 bar barbs feeding

    Thanks Colin. I Googled earlier and found some foods that sink straight away, this may help too. Already, I'm thinking I need 2 tanks : )
  6. S

    5 bar barbs feeding

    Hi all, just joined the forum : ) I'm new to aquarium keeping. Over the last 5 weeks I've set a 112 L tank up with sponges in the pump/filter. I have sand on the bottom and a few plants. After running it empty for a couple of weeks, and a couple of good water tests, I added 4 scissor tails. A...