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  1. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Thank you for the advise! Much appreciated!
  2. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Thankfully the prime has detoxified it enough that I haven't lost any yet, and I have neons, Cory's, rams and guppies in at the moment
  3. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Yeah tap water shows no nitrite
  4. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Forgot to mention I'm also using seachem prime
  5. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Daily 30% doing the odd 50% too, what percentage would you recommend?
  6. J

    Stuck mid cycle

    Having some issues with my latest tank after being out of the hobby for some time, been setup for 6 to 8 weeks. Doing the same as always and cycling with fish. Ammonia is showing up as 0 but nitrate is reading around 75mg/l and nitrite is reading 5mg/l. Been this way for 3 weeks now with 30%...