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  1. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    I see, they don't seem to be pushed around at the other half of the tank, away from the filter. So I assume that is ok?
  2. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    I see, thank you for your advice! I was actually worried there was too little movement, I will lift the filter up a bit. The two parts were filmed only about 15 minutes apart, I just checked on her with a flashlight and she's still looking large so I don't think she gave birth? Not sure...
  3. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    Heres a link to the video: She isn't really darting around today, so the video mostly just has her breathing. I will definitely keep monitoring them for any changes.
  4. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    Are you looking for a video of the breathing or the darting around? If its the darting around I can send one tomorrow once its day time and they're not sleeping. She's been eating normally, maybe even more so than usual, and didn't bloat over night for sure. She started heavy breathing without...
  5. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    I see, thank you! I haven't been counting the weeks, but I think it is still within the 3-4 timeline. I have been seeing colour changes in her gravid spot, so I will keep observing her.
  6. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    He doesn't nip at her fins, they all look in tact, in the picture it looks a little odd because she just turned around haha. She's been looking pregnant for many weeks now, so I've been suspecting it for a while, but with how long its been without births I wasn't sure anymore. I will certainly...
  7. S

    Pregnant and/or sick guppy

    Hello! I'm seeing some strange behaviours in my female guppy that I would like some help with, I really appreciate any advice, thank you! Tank size: 10 Gal tank age: 4/5 months? ish pH: 7.5 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 15ppm kH: unknown gH: 140ppm tank temp: 25.5C/78F Symptoms: About...
  8. fishy.png


  9. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    Interesting, I didn't know that, thank you! I'll follow your advice for cleaning the other tank, thank you again. :teacher:
  10. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    I was starting to suspect + accept that. Thank you for your response. I was wondering what it is about the open mouth thing that is such a death sign. Is it an onset of another infection or just their dying process? As for the other tank, I dont have pictures, but the fish were covered in a...
  11. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    Sorry to hear :( Unfortunately my female guppies are on the much older side, how old though I am not sure. I have chalked up the recent problems to old age though as well.
  12. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    To add: I notice she keeps her mouth open today, her bottom lip seems to almost jut out. Don't think this was there before, what does it mean?
  13. Guppy4.png


  14. Guppy5.png


  15. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    Hello! Wanted to post a quick update with a follow up question. Its been almost 3 days since adding 2tbsp of salt per 20L, with not much improvement to show for it. She has become more active, however still clamped up, skinny, etc. Im afraid to add more salt because I want to avoid damaging the...
  16. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    Will add the salt right now, thank you for your insight! I really appreciate it. Just to clarify, is the shimmying also a part of the infection or purely from the previously low GH? Just wondering so I know what symptoms to keep an eye on to know if the infection is getting better.
  17. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    In a twist of fate, my water heater broke a while back. Will look into getting a new one! She seems to participate in feeding time, I haven't payed extra attention to see if she actually eats the food she bites at though. Thank you none the less, I appreciate any feedback! :)
  18. S

    Shimmying Guppy :(

    Hello! I've been seeing some shimmying + clamped fins in one of my female guppies (I have 3 total, 2f, 1m in the tank.) It is a 10 gal planted tank (filled to about 8.) Relatively new tank (about 3-4 months old) and fully cycled. The symptoms started about a week ago and in only one fish, so I...
  19. Guppy1.png


  20. Guppy2.png


  21. Guppy3.png


  22. S

    New to Forum

    Haha yeah I've heard :). I have 2 females, 1 male, I wouldn't mind some baby guppies actually, my family are eager to take extra babies in once they are born!
  23. S

    New to Forum

    Hello! Recently started up my own aquarium (with some guppies :)) after taking care of a couple others over the years. Excited to be a part of the forum, thank you for your time!