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  1. D

    Newly arrived discus in ER

    Lights are on low, and I'll have to try that when I get home. Never tried live brineshrimp before.
  2. D

    Newly arrived discus in ER

    Will do. I'll contact JW and leave lights on low while I'm gone. Update: they have all made it through the night, although 4/6 are still on their side. The remaining 2 seem very weak. I have to go to work, and I tried feeding, but they weren't hungry. I'll cross my fingers and hope and pray...
  3. D

    Newly arrived discus in ER

    Hello, I am a veteran fishkeeper who has decided to try his hand at discus... I ordered them and they arrived earlier today. 5/6 are laying on their side, breathing slowly. What do I do?! Tank specs: 0 ammonia 0 nitrite pH 6.8 Temp 83F 100 gallon tank I acclimated them for an hour via drip...
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