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  1. rebe

    Sterilising questions, before removing medication for worms

    Exactly 😂 Many rinses and a long soak in sterilising solution should hopefully do the trick
  2. rebe

    Sterilising questions, before removing medication for worms

    Brilliant! Thank you Essjay 😊
  3. rebe

    Sterilising questions, before removing medication for worms

    Thank you for such a quick reply! They do, but I need a bucket of sterilising solution and the liquid stuff is very concentrated but the tablets that Milton baby do are far better value and I'll only need one packet. It's also easier to find here. It's active ingredient is troclosene sodium...
  4. rebe

    Sterilising questions, before removing medication for worms

    Troclosene sodium, is it safe to use for sterilising aquarium equipment? @Essjay Maybe you might know, as I remember you saying you studied chemistry? I still haven't been able to find unscented bleach or bleach without soaps in it. At the moment I only have access to what I can order...
  5. rebe

    What to do with a bully fish?

    I have a community 75 gallon with corydoras, beckfordi pencifish, rosy tetras, espei rasboras and a bolivian ram cichlid. There is one male pencil fish who has a different main colour (a silvery colour instead of the typical red tones) who is a bully. He's constantly harassing everybody apart...
  6. rebe

    I'm getting a ram! Any advice?

    Have you got any other fish in the tank with it? When I got mine, I also got 18 tetras that were all quarantined together and are still together in my 75gal. I had floating plants, java ferns and anubis attached to some rocks. Here is a clip of them when they were first in QT and some pictures
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  10. rebe

    Pictures of your bow-front aquarium please? Especially the Juwel 180

    Considering a 90 x 40 cm bow front aquarium for my bolivain ram and corydoras to call home, and I'd like to see what a tank of that shape looks like set up. I've only had standard aquariums with flat/straight fronts. Thank you :flowers:
  11. rebe

    I'm getting a ram! Any advice?

    Let me know how you get on if you try those plants. My vallis took so long to get going but once it was established it grew like wild fire. I've removed several whole vallis plants that came from the originals. I've tried sessiliflora with and without substrate nutrition, it grew faster and...
  12. rebe

    I'm getting a ram! Any advice?

    You're very welcome! I'm always glad to help where I can. The wood is actually three pieces of mangle wood that I arranged together. It's great stuff. Have you tried any other floating plants? I first tried frogbit and mine all died. I've only had success with the salvinia, and the red root...
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  16. rebe

    I'm getting a ram! Any advice?

    Exciting! I adore my Bolivian ram. You have it, but sand is definitely a must. I don't have any "caves" so to speak but I have an area with loads of cover in the form of driftwood and plants. Surface plants are helpful. I had salvinia auriculata for a long time but now my vallis is so long...
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  21. rebe

    Tell me your favourite fresh water fish!

    If you can't pick just one, name a few 😄 Planning to do some illustrations, would love some inspiration from you guys
  22. rebe

    QT tank that may become a new set up! 22g

    Looks gorgeous Adora! My water is pretty hard and I've got some bolbituis in my 75 gallon. I think it does fine, but I've not had a close look recently. I'll have a look at it tomorrow and if it's not too shabby, share some pictures of the fern 😂
  23. rebe

    FX4 Flow Rate

    My fluval fx filter sounded angry when I reduced the flow using the valves (I read somewhere that you can close them up to half way). So instead I reduced the flow by using a spray bar with aquarium sponge zip tied over it. Aesthetically I would have preferred to reduce the flow in a hidden way...
  24. rebe

    It's my birthday...

    Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day :bday: A classic for me too! I remember it well, and recognised the fish in your picture 😄
  25. rebe

    Re-scaping question

    The "bottle method" seems like a great aquarium life-hack. Here's a screenshot from a reddit post: This YouTube video illustrates the idea nicely:
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  27. rebe

    Tiger barbs and Ram Cichlids

    So this is a hypothetical stocking. It would be just the tiger barbs and the bolivian ram/s in the tank
  28. rebe

    Tiger barbs and Ram Cichlids

    What are your thoughts on these two species in the same tank? I have always wanted tiger barbs, and I'm going to let myself get some soon. I'm aiming for 35-40 barbs, which I will quarantine in a 29 gallon (75x35x40 cm) and move into a bigger tank after 2 months or so. I have one male bolivian...
  29. rebe

    Correct amount of epsom salt in a (fish) bath?

    Yes, thank you Naughts. That was my thinking. We've run out of epsom salts, so it'll have to be tomorrow before I can do anything. I'm starting to wonder if waiting to try this treatment is the wrong thing to do. Because he was never an "active" fish, swelling is the only thing wrong with...
  30. rebe

    Correct amount of epsom salt in a (fish) bath?

    Hello all, It's been a while since I've posted anything because things have been going well for me in terms of fish keeping. I hope you are all keeping well :) My betta fish has been less active these last few weeks, I've been changing his tank around seeing if it makes a difference. Removing...
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  33. rebe

    Quick clarifying questions about Interpet No.7 (Copper EDTA and Formaldehyde based medication)

    My flubendazole arrived today and I dosed the QT with the recommended package dose. My understanding about flukes is that there are skin flukes which are livebearing and gill flukes which are egg laying. I was looking into each fluke, and it seems like their life cycles are quite short when in...
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  35. rebe

    Thirsty Cats

    My anxiety (and perhaps my common sense) would never let me leave a tank open and accessible with cats! 😂 My Dunder is the biggest sweetheart and dummy, and he's only managed to hunt the occasional fly. Archie is a hunter, but never comes upstairs into my room with the tanks. I'd still be too...
  36. rebe

    55g Himalayan Foothills Paludarium

    Catching up with your paludarium adventure, and I have to say that I love your new profile picture Badger! A work of art! 👏😂
  37. rebe

    Quick clarifying questions about Interpet No.7 (Copper EDTA and Formaldehyde based medication)

    The salt dose was 2 tablespoons per 20 litres, for 10 days and then removed slowly over about a week. That was to treat fungus on one of the corydoras, but the fish didn't make it overnight. Here is my thread from back then...
  38. rebe

    Quick clarifying questions about Interpet No.7 (Copper EDTA and Formaldehyde based medication)

    Phew, just finished the deep clean. Siphoning the sand into a bucket worked well, but there was so much sand that the water it took to siphon it filled my bucket too quickly. So I ended up washing the sand in the bucket as planned, then washing the rest in the tank. I did end up doing multiple...
  39. rebe

    Quick clarifying questions about Interpet No.7 (Copper EDTA and Formaldehyde based medication)

    It's been two weeks since I added the copper based medication (on April 13th), and I'm still seeing flicking and rolling from the corydoras. I went ahead and ordered a Flubendazole based medication by NT labs which @Essjay recommended. It should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Since...