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  1. V

    African Dwarf Frog - odd atomaxh

    Sorry about any odd posts which have appeared, really struggling with using this site on my phone, it puts my text in the middle of replies and adds loads and loads of space! I did have an ammonia/NO2/NO3 spike last week, I check my levels every 3 days. I did a change and got it level. Will the...
  2. V

    African Dwarf Frog - odd atomaxh

    I'm fairly new to keeping ADFs, 3 weeks in, established tank. I've fed them this evening and noticed the stomach of this frog. What is going on? Bloat, overfeeding, impaction? It's eating fine, swimming fine, etc, but it's really concerned me. Temp is fine, etc. I feed them on frozen mysis...
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