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  1. P

    Platy has one cloudy eye. Please help!

    Here are some pics of my other fish. I had one mysteriously pass away. My blue Platy seems to have something going on with her fin(I think it’s a female). The black one tends to spend her time in the fish hide I bought and none of them seem super interested in the either food I’ve tried. I will...
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  7. P

    Platy has one cloudy eye. Please help!

    Will do! I’ll do the tank cleanings and stuff as well. Thank you for your help!
  8. P

    Platy has one cloudy eye. Please help!

    Thank you very much for your help! I will try to get numbers for my water posted but I currently have colored test strips. I’m glad it seems to just be an injury and not something more serious. Could this be caused by fighting between my Platy fish?
  9. P


    Hello everyone! My name is Eric and I’m very new to caring for tropical fish. That said I already love my fishies! I think I finally found a hobby haha. I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with you and hope we can have some good conversations! I would really appreciate some guidance along...
  10. P

    Platy has one cloudy eye. Please help!

    Hi I’m new to tropical fish in general. I got 5 Platy fish from my local store and have them in a 10 gallon tank. There are also two ghost shrimps. I’m posting today to ask about my fish as I am very worried that one may not be doing so well. It has one cloudy eye and red gills. The other...
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