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  1. Googler

    Tiny fast moving organisms stopped my breeders from producing fry.

    I did 75% water change. The fish are not stressed out the conditions were suitable and they produced monthly on time. Could Overcrossing lead to a condition were the fish develop viral infection, I read this somewhere not sure where. If so what are the signs of this and or when is onset. I had...
  2. Googler

    Tiny fast moving organisms stopped my breeders from producing fry.

    Thanks for the response, after renewing my interest to save them, I did another cleaning water and filter change. i found this little worm in my filter in picture below. I believe that my females ate these organisms and are affected. The guppies that were in the tank all the time remain...
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  6. Googler

    Tiny fast moving organisms stopped my breeders from producing fry.

    Approximately 2-3 weeks After adding some water plants with mixed sand pots into my tank I noticed the quantity along the glass and in water. I cleaned regularly and got the numbers down. Now Only the female Hillaries appear to be resting all day only coming up to feed and their body seems...
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  9. Googler

    The Occurrence of Squamous cell carcinoma in X Hellerii.

    Thanks for the insight. The black spot is growing.
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  13. Googler

    The Occurrence of Squamous cell carcinoma in X Hellerii.

    Greetings all. I am from Trinidad. I recently crossed the black Hellerii and a hi-fin lyre tailed Red wag Hellerii. Few of the juveniles grew these black globular patches. Not quite sure but I found this article online and the images there appear similar.