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  1. J

    Help with cycling

    I thought that fish was getting better but its not 😔 seem even more lethargic than before, the red gills have gone now tho and she's not eating. She was staying at the top of the water, I've put her in a separate bowl because she looked to be struggling against the currant. Bit unsure what to do...
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  3. J

    Help with cycling

    Thanks for everyone's replies! I've taken the parlour palm out just in case, it did look a bit brown and dying. I done about 60% water change last night and have got the ammonia down to 0.2ppm, going to do another tonight hopefully that'll get it down even more. I have safestart being...
  4. J

    Help with cycling

    Picture of tank and poorly fish for reference
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  7. J

    Help with cycling

    Thanks for the replies! My PH is 7.5, I'll keep on with 50% water changes and hopefully start seeing nitrites/nitrates soon! I've been feeding them once in the evening, not as much as I used to, feel bad, they seem so hungry! 😅 I've got live plants, I believe I had that elodea, plenty of...
  8. J

    Help with cycling

    Hi all, Made a booboo and went like a bull in a China shop thinking I know best due to having fish previously as a kid, adopted some fish off mother. Got tank set up, dechlorinated, left it for few weeks due to being on holiday. Come back off holiday, out adopted fish in along with rasboras and...