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  1. G

    Fish bullying?

    Yea they're all male except one, the female is actually so big 😂 it's one male and one female chasing the other male. I just looked and now there's two males hiding :(
  2. G

    Fish bullying?

    Oh you think they're bullying him to mate with him? 😂
  3. G

    Fish bullying?

    Oh there's loads of hiding places, I'm more into the planted tank vibe than having fish tbh, I do that at feeding time! He always gets enough I make sure. Idk if I can have more really in this tank Idk if 6 was too big for this tank size really, there wasn't any bullying going on when there...
  4. G

    Fish bullying?

    Hey I only have a small tank 30L, I had 6 golden white cloud mountain minnows, one died a little bit ago now so there's just 5, one of them seems to hide tho and get chased and bullied by 2 of the others. Is there anything I can do for him? I've been making sure he's getting food etc but just a...
  5. G

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    Oh I'm sorry to hear about your fish :( I wish I knew what happened to mine tbh
  6. G

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    Unfortunately she was sick and died :(
  7. G

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    Yes hopefully it's just that! Do you know if neon tetras can live with the fish I have? I'm thinking of getting them a larger tank, and I'd like some variety but not sure what else I can put with them.
  8. G

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    Oh that's interesting! The worrying thing is I've had them about 7 months now, and I'm not sure this one was always pale like this tbh, but they moved so fast at first, they're calmer now so I can really look at them all. So it could be sick I guess. Guess there's no way of knowing!
  9. G

    Golden white cloud mountain minnow, very pale?

    Hi I've been googling it lots but can't seem to find anything so I thought I'd ask on here. One of them is very like pale, washed out, not vibrant orange like the others. It is eating and behaving normally tho. Does anyone know what causes this? Is hard to capture in a picture but without the...
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  11. G

    Tank mates for male betta?

    Wow okay, so are my shrimp okay? Honestly in the other tank everyone seems very happy and the betta doesn't appear to bother them. It's densely planted maybe that helps. I thought bettas could have some tank mates, apologies for asking. Also I'd like to add that I care very much for my fish...
  12. G

    Tank mates for male betta?

    Looking for some suggestions and advice, I have some golden cloud minnows or something? In with my other male betta and that seems like a really chill match! But I've got a new male betta in my 37L tank he's in there with some amanos atm and I just wondered if anyone had some suggestions, i...
  13. G

    Amano shrimp tank question

    If I don't touch the filter it'll be okay if it's dry for a few hours?
  14. G

    Amano shrimp tank question

    Ah! Is it good for growing plants in?
  15. G

    Amano shrimp tank question

    Ah that's good to know, do you think it's okay to just put everyone back in then when I'm done? Don't need to worry about cycling again?
  16. G

    Amano shrimp tank question

    Oh is this stuff no good then? Is sand easy to keep clean?
  17. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Ah that's really interesting thanks, I didn't know much about them, maybe I can do the salt removal slightly faster then, I think I'll try keep it pretty slow tho :)
  18. G

    Amano shrimp tank question

    Hey I'm very new to fish keeping, so still very much learning. I have a tank with 8 amano shrimp in, but I'm thinking maybe about getting rid of everything in there and changing out the gravel for the aquarium soil stuff. What do the shrimp need to survive, would they be okay in a small...
  19. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Brilliant I'll do that thanks
  20. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    That's encouraging thanks! For flushing the tank, will the shrimp be okay with such a dramatic change in the water? As there's salt in there currently.
  21. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    That's for the info, I can absolutely do that today, but will it be okay for my shrimp? Not sure I can face anyone else dying today :( I do regular water changes but as I'm still learning I really like the test kit haha I use the strips twice a day to make sure, then I use the test tube kit to...
  22. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Yea maybe :( Sorry what does flush the tank out and start again mean? I've got 8 amano shrimp in there and there's still salt in the water.
  23. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    And now she's dead :( Thanks everyone for commenting, I really appreciate it. I wish I knew what I'd done wrong :( Her fin rot had just healed as well :(
  24. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Yea :( she's still in the same spot as yesterday, hasn't moved :(
  25. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Yea that's been there the whole time I've had her, is it not normal to see it?
  26. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Hi I'll check now, that's on one of the stick tests I think. Yea the water is very hard here I'm in London UK. It's always 7.5 or 8. Apparently because of where I live the bettas here are more used to the pH here as opposed to wild bettas? That's what I was told anyway, please correct if I'm...
  27. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Thank you, me too, just got a really bad feeling about it when I'm looking at her
  28. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Yea she doesn't move from that area at all though, this morning she was swimming like normal I thought, I've never missed a meal before for her, she always gets so excited for food. But I did this morning was in a rush to get out the door with my toddler and dog 😑 But again I can't imagine one...
  29. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Here you go, sorry its not the best quality, she's in a hard to see corner because my thermometer is stuck on the outside there I did actually forget to feed her breakfast this morning, but I assume that won't be the issue.
  30. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Ammonia 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrites is either 0 or 20 maybe it's basically colourless but looks a tiny bit more pink on the strip. The api test tube comes back yellow tho which is 0ppm. Ph is 8 Ill try get a video, but this is a picture, she doesn't move from this spot. I cant really tell...
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  32. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    I've been trying to get a good picture but she was always very fast. Unfortunately I think she's dying, she's at the top of the tank and looks a little bloated? I don't think I've overfed her tho, I only feed a few of her pellet things twice a day, coz I was always worried about over doing it...
  33. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Hi there thank you so much for this info. I added the salt like you suggested, I added more today though, and she jumped out of the tank a few hours later. She's back in now and seems okay, but will have to keep an eye. Do you reckon it's the salt that caused this or just a fluke? It's a very...
  34. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Thanks for bumping it up :)
  35. G

    Is this white mark on her cheek normal?

    Hi there, just wondered if my new fish is okay, I noticed this mark on her cheek and I wasn't sure if it was okay or not? My first fish so I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at, but I don't remember it being there a few days ago. Thanks :)
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